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  • Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe one way to achieve an effective result would be to open an identical 2nd  instance of the instrument you are using. Detune it by a quarter tone. You should then be able to, albeit with a fair bit of editing, achieve a melodic line with quarter tones.


  • If you are going to do that, then it's better to just define the pitch bend amount that allows for the correct interval when the pitch bend controller is at full tilt, and adjust each note with pitch bend CC data in the DAW after the fact.  However, the ideas is to be able to actaully play and hear the correct intervals in real time.  This is EXTREMELY easy to accomplish with any library that uses Kontakt.  Play from EWQL also has some microtuning scripts.  VSL has not implemented this yet, but as can be read earlier in this thread, it is on the agenda.  Hopefully soon.  I find the workarounds precise and usable, but extremely inefficient.


  • Well, two instances detuned by a quarter tone are not a good solution: (1) it is not playable, and (2) most alternative tuning systems -- non-European tuning systems as well as historical temperaments, which I'm interested in -- are utterly different from 24-tone equal temperament. The deviations from 12-tone equal temperament are much more subtle than a quarter-tone.

    The majority of the virtual instruments I use (Kontakt, Pianoteq, PLAY) *do* provide alternative tunings..., so, dear VSL team, please consider rising the priority of implementing it!

    Cheers, Pitt

  • I would also like to chime in about a preference for other ways to intone. At this point I'm only familiar with what I have by VSL, which is some percussion and the overdrive e guitar. I'm surprised other intonations aren't implemented at all. An Arabic tuning has little or nothing to do with equal intervals, just by way of general information. It's based on a just intonation sort of thing, generally integer ratios. 'Quarter tone' is often spoken of, but it's a misnomer at least to a western musician. There are '24 tone' systems in place, but one derives usually not more than a seven note row from, just there is more than one row to be got.

  • It sounds like everyone, including VSL, agrees that this is a needed feature.  The only question that remains is: Just how high up the list of priorities are the intonation features for VSL.

    Obviously, some of us (me included) would love to have this feature yesterday.

    Eagerly waiting,


  • Hi,

    I have no clue, but Cubase 5 has a midi-plugin called "Micro Tuner".

    Maybe worth to look into.



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    @Magnus Thysk said:


    I have no clue, but Cubase 5 has a midi-plugin called "Micro Tuner".

    Maybe worth to look into.




    Cubase has had this plug for many versions, but unfortunately it doesn't work with VI.


  •  Hi.

         My dream to see microtuner in VI,I hope this will happene soon.


  • To tell truth, this is keeping me from investing in a string library here. I would just use something in Kontakt and tweak the microtuning in the instrument via a script, or use that cubase plug in.

    Also, what about long glissandi in the strings, there is a whole thing (let's just say in a film composer's bag of tricks) derived from penderecki's thing, which seem awfully tough to do here.

    That's a feature request. I have no idea how you'd implement or how impossible or what, but that gets me into the string libraries, that and having some stock Arabic or what-have-you intervals and not having to base on 12T et.

  • Hi.

        Any news about microtuning script ? Still waiting!.

    All the best.


  • Hello Shakuman,

    all big news will be accounced via our newsletter, as always [:)]

    So I´m afraid, there are no news regarding microtuning at the moment, sorry to say. But yes, it´s still on the list!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  •  Many thanks Paul for your response..I hope this will come soon[^] I am using now in my project Cinematic Strings plus LASS cause both support microtuning.

    All the best.


  • sorry to step in on terminology...

    but in folkmusic "microtonality" hardly ever literally means quartertone. the term quartertone (+-50cents) is a wrong term used generally to make something fit in between two tempered tones. the only tone that fits these requirements is the 11th partial (+51 cents) and to some degree the 13th (-59 cents).

    furthermore the arabic and turkish scales derived from greek tuning methods, which mostly rely on deviding the tetrachord using different relations in the harmonic series. depending what system you use, you may get sometimes literally a quartertone, which of course is matter of regional musical practice.

  •  Hello shakuman,

    Never try it,but perhaps here :

    under midi&algorithmic the MFX plugin:  scaleEnforcer can help you

    Best regards


  •  Wish to see Microtune feature on VSL at the end of this year.... Paul please do something for us mate

  •  Please VSL team do something[:(]


  • Hi,

    microtuning is in the works. It will take a little more time, and I´m sorry that I can´t give you a schedule yet.

    We will keep you up to date [:)]

    It´s not as trivial a task as you might think...



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul - thanks for the update. As you may recall you and I have a thread on this issues that dates back to March, since microtonality has a central place in my practice. I have had to move to Kontakt in order to realize the music I want to make, but if full keyboard per-note tuning with tuning table support should become possible on VI's please let me know - this would be of special interest to me. All the best Simon Rodgers

  • I'm not so sure. Does the microtuning MIDI plugin in Cubase work with VI? Maybe its a good work around, or maybe its easier for VSL to make the VI compatible.

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    @hose said:

    I'm not so sure. Does the microtuning MIDI plugin in Cubase work with VI? Maybe its a good work around, or maybe its easier for VSL to make the VI compatible.


    I've never been able to get this to work. I agree that this would be a good option to have.
