Dears all,
happy new year.
So : i get problems with my VSL key. No problems before latest : Syncroisoft drivers or Mac Os X 10.5.6.
I have a Belkin self powered USB Hub "running" iLok,Wibukey,1 Syncrosoft for some Synths and 1 for VSL.
No problems for all the keys except for VSL Syncro.
Everything was ok until 1 week ago.
Actually the only way working is placing the VSL key directly on the mac .
Can someone explane ?
Thanks in advance.
Key trouble
Can't explain, but I fixed a similar problem this morning when DP crashed then the computer couldn't see my key. Restart; download newest License Control software, repair permissions, take key out of hub and put directly in computer. Start license control software. That fixed it for me. I put the key back on the hub, and it's working now.
....i know. The same here, but at the next start i need to place the key directly on the mac. At this point i think is anoter osx nightmare.
...anyway, the vsl key nedd to be on the mac usb port. From the 10.5.6 i suppose.
- VSL error again : the key is on the mac usb port. What's happen ? Can i get the previous Syncrosoft package ? (actually is
- way ! The VSL key "now" must be placed directly on the mac usb port !!!!! Really unbeliveable ! At this point the last mac osx update is the issue source. 10.5 is anyway a nightmare ! -A
BTW....i have rearranged the keys on the hub so all perfect for 2 VSL key want go back on the computer usb port..... I give up.....;-)
Dear Anton,
I´d suggest to inform Syncrosoft about your issues in 10.5.6: support [at] syncrosoft [dot] com
Best regards,
Dear Maya, i've aldready informed Syncrosoft. The answer was very "creative". I dont know.....maybe a new update can fix.... Many thanks again.
I got a mail from Syncrosoft.....the answer is ( on the paper ) they are not able to usual.