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  • Vienna Ensemble 2 install problem

    Hi Everyone, I'm trying to install Vienna Ensemble 2 on OS X but the installer says I can't install it to the HD because I have a newer version of this software already on the volume. I have VE3 installed so I uninstalled that and tried again but it gave me the same message. I was wondering if you had any ideas or if this issue has already been resolved? Thanks, Matt

  • last edited
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    Hello Matt,

    4. Empty Trash and RESTART your computer.

    5. Then please download the latest Vienna Instruments / Vienna Ensemble Software
    and the latest Syncrosoft License Control Center version

    6. Run both installers and RESTART your computer.

    Hope that helps!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul, Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately I followed all of your steps and I am still getting the same error message. Do you have any other ideas or maybe is there a way to force open the package? thanks Matt

  •  Hi Matt,


    Please go to Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts and erase the file called "ViennaEnsembleOSX-3-xxx.pkg" before you reinstall Vienna Ensemble 2, this will solve your problem!


    Since VE 2 and VE 3 are basically identical, Mac OS assumes that you already have upgraded the application and therefore would not let you install a lesser version - even more so, because it cannot overwrite VE 3 having a different name/numbering...


    Cheers, Marnix 

  • Hi Marnix, that did the trick, thanks! I've loved VSL for years but this is the first technical issue that's come up, and I've gotta say the VSL community is top notch. Thanks Paul and Marnix!