Hi Everyone.
My M-Audio Profire 2626 finally seems to support Vista 64, according to their site. I've 8Gb RAM in my dual-Opteron box (strictly for Cubase 4/VSTs), but I can only access 4Gb of my RAM (less actually) because I've had to run 32 bit XP.
I use VI extensively (i.e., in every project) along with Superior Drummer 2 and Trilogy when I'm not doing straight orchestral-type things.
Would a switch to V64 that would allow me to use all my 8Gb RAM make a big enough difference to go through the effort? Any other forseeable issues?
I'm thinking of Business Edition as it appears to have the most amount of eye-candy removed.
Thanks for any help:)
edit - I definitely have some usually-small issues with XP 32, as Vienna Ensemble occasionally loses an instrument, Superior kills Cubase when loading some of the presets, and Cubase sometimes crashes my computer (as in, shuts it right down) but generally it's stable, if quirky, compared to any other computer enviroments I've built over the years.