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  • thank you CM. I cannot empty the trash can. there are 2 of them and 1 of them will not empty. there are no demo licenses showing.

  • CM, you've also mentioned expired demo licenses on my key, but I can't see any. Obviously, as a developer, you can see something that the end user can not.

  • Hi Christian, Just to note, I have no expired licenses on either of my two keys......

  • Guys, scanning the licences only takes a few seconds (obviously slower on OSX). It's the content scanning that takes so much time. FWIW if you set Altiverb to scan for content, this takes a while, and there is nowhere near as much content as with VSL. The question (IMO) is why does content have to be scanned?


  • abel, chuck, my reply referred to buce's post ...


    bruce, i've emailed you since i don't want to post key numbers here ... the essence was:


    to empty the trashcan please select from the menu *wizards* in LCC the *empty trashcan* wizard - a dialog similar to license transfer will appear



    DG, data content needs to be scanned becuse it can be spread across several disks, volumes, directories and the VI/VE has to know if those references are still existing as well as correspond with the available licenses, which also could have been transferred to another key since the last start


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    abel, chuck, my reply referred to buce's post ...

    DG, data content needs to be scanned becuse it can be spread across several disks, volumes, directories and the VI/VE has to know if those references are still existing as well as correspond with the available licenses, which also could have been transferred to another key since the last start


    I understand that, but it would be better if this could be a "scan by choice" option, maybe combined with Directory Manager. I never move my dongle, except when adding new licences, and I never change the content on the discs. I'm sure that many people working with a similar setup don't change stuff around much either. Therefore is it not possible for all content and paths to be assumed the same, unless told otherwise?


  • I'm totally with Daryl on this can't there be a "status quo" option? Julian

  • +1 a rescan should be a manual action. You don't move content and authorizations in every day use.
    If you change location of the samples, you have to update the paths in directory manager anyway. There are many programs using this approach, Altiverb being one of them.

  • Yes, I agree too. This sounds like a Directory Manager task not something that should be done with each license check. I have written to Syncrosoft with no effect. Could someone from VSL (might carry more weight) please tell the Syncrosoft programming team that it is completely unprofessional to have software freeze a computer for nearly half a minute with no message to the user whatsoever. There is no excuse for not putting up a message window giving the user some idea of what's going on. The first few times I loaded a VI I thought my computer had crashed. Tom

  • tom, writing to syncrosoft might be like barking up the wrong tree ... why (assuming you're on OS X):

    - open a license control center, you'll notice the icon in the dock, but for a few moments up to seconds no GUI appearing ... this is normal and you'll notice it for every application

    - open a stand-alone VE, you'll notice a message *scanning licenses* from the Vienna Ensemble software

    - insert VE as plugin such a message cannot reach the surface due to the nature of the neccessary *stacking*

    - host calls VE, VE calls VSLserver, VSLserver calls daenon, daemon calls LCC

    - now a server has no GUI by design (otherwise it would be an application)

    - not using a server would result in memory managed by the host so limiting the available ressources

    - the software does not freeze the computer, it is just busy

    - if your computer crashed during first times loading a VI this is probably related to a failed AU validation which is in most cases caused by corrupted permissions


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian, There's a simple solution to sort all the above - just make the licence scan only take 2 or 3 seconds!! Happy New Year Julian

  • now i don't understand how that should solve AU validation or permission issues .... and of course it is clear that license scanning for say the symphonic cube cannot be finished in 2 - 3 seconds ....

    anyway ... also a Happy New Year to all of you, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks Christian, that does go some way to explain things.

     I'm not a programmer, but surely there must be a way around this to pop up a quick message window? Is LCC an app? If it is then it could show a progress window, no?

     I still don't understand why on a MacPro 8 core computer something a simple as a licence check has to take over 20 seconds (the content check is only a few seconds here).

     BTW it was only the first few times that I thought something had crashed the computer, but that is only natural (at least on a Mac where one is used to progress bars that actually have some meaning and messages that tell you that something is in progress). So I am aware that the computer hasn't "frozen" but due to LCC it acts for around 20 seconds as if it had which is very unprofessional.

    There must be some solutions to these problems. We all love what you guys are doing with sample/software development, but the protection tarnishes the whole VSL experience somewhat.


  • Hi Christan, Tom's took 20 sec, Mine just now took 3 minutes 45 sec. with my 8-core Mac. With all the conversation on this thread pertaining to the slow start-up times, I haven't heard anyone speak of making any attempts to improving the issue. Do you know if there are any plans in the works for the Vienna Team to improve the start-up times -- to change the security method? I have not experienced this frustration with any other Library on the market and would hope that something is being done to rectify the issue. Does the Vienna Team even see this as a problem for the end-users? As the library grows, the start-up times will continue to grow along with the frustration. Remember, single box users are impacted the most but having multiple boxes (computers) was not listed as a prerequisite. Please advise...

  • hi chuck, though it appears you have a lot of licenses (currently 31 on one key if i'm not wrong) 3:45 would be more than i'd expect.

    however of course i can't comment on plans, but there are a few ideas floating around which depend on requirements not finalized at the current state of affairs.

    though the upcoming 2 weeks threaten to become very busy i'll try to double check your specific case - please be patient with me


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I'll try to be patient.... I've been dealing with this issue for over a year now and thought by now this issue would have been resolved. I love the library -- just want everything to work smoothly. I'm sure you understand. I also sent a note to support about an error I keep getting (not always) -- usually when I first boot. I have two instances of VE2 loaded in a Logic 8 sequence on a Mac-Pro 8-core. The error message is: Unable to create server object. The server application might be already running, or the required network port is not available. The second instance loads but the first does not. I have to exit the sequence and reload. The second time it works. Again, I believe there is a Syncrosoft relationship happening here.. Can't be completely sure but it seems to take place when authorizations are required. I've check permissions on all my drives and ensured all drives have read and write access. Have you seen anything like this error in the past?

  • I've had the same error message and behaviour on a number of occasions. It is most likely to happen, in my experience, when either VE or Logic are over 80% of their single app RAM limits. Julian

  • Hi Julian, So you think it's RAM related. Totally possible considering I'm operating on the edge most of the time. With 32GB in the box and no 64 Bit operating system, make things a little tight. You would think that it would happen every time and not just a boot-up.....