Hello Andi,
I seem to have some improvement with a new configuration and the standard soundset, but it has not solved all the problems. I have a bar where despite typing nat., non stacc, legato, or the MIDI note-off message, and espite slurs on the next group of notes, several instrument lines will not quit staccato. They are also strangely low in volume compared to the other lines despite having the same dynamic markings. That would normally make me suspect a MIDI channel conflict but I have checked them and they are okay. I can't send any email at present as I am not at home, so I can't send a copy of the score - but I will on Friday.
Your reference to the naming of the double bass ensemble I'm afraid raises another question, though this one you will know.
I created a playback configuration using one instance of Ensemble for a string orchestra score in which there is much divisi. To get the divisi lines to sound different to each other I loaded the following matrices:
Solo violin / Orch strings / Chamber strings / Orch strings / Chamber strings / Orch Viola / Chamber Viola / Solo cello / Chamber cellos / Orch cellos / Orch basses
This is meant to play solo violin, violin I (div.), violin II (div.) viola (div.) solo cello, cello (div.) and double bass. 11 staves of music. 11 MIDI channels. What do you think of this procedure - sensible? I like the contrast of the orchestral strings to the chamber and having the chamber as the lower div. line when it is based on fewer players is good. The chamber cellos also have slightly more penetration when used in the cellos upper range (or so it struck me) - that's why I changed the orch cellos to the lower of the two cello lines.
In each case I loaded standard / extended samples not Plus. Originally I was using the Plus soundset to playback this config. That was when I hit the failed switching problem we have been discussing. If I use the standard soundset the chamber strings do not appear on the list in Sibelius and the orchestral strings are named 'ensemble' - but actually they are the Orchestral strings, not the chamber ones, right ? This is a confusing change of name? So if I use the standard soundset I can't use the chamber strings - I thought they were standard extended, not Plus. Does this mean the standard soundset doesn't cover the extended instruments?
Thanks for your help,