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  • Finale Microintervalls

     Normally finale can play Microinervalls with following trick:

    in Midi value you click on pitchwheel

    you create a mf-tool assign  where the playback option is pitchwheel

     make sur that before the patch is on Bank 32, program change fore finale switches the patches, even if you click somewere else this value resists for using different patches of the VSL patches

    one big Problem: normaly finale plays diffeent pitches, e.g. a sharp quartertone by using +300 or -300 (my favorite) assigned yto the note with midi or Garitan, but the pitchwheel does not have any impact on the normal keyboard pitchwheel, like it has by changing the a' fromm 440to 340Hz for example.

    I  have no idea why yet.If anybody knows pleas tell me.(I know the samples would  sound strange, but evryone who worked in an orchestra like me knows it always sounds strange and the artculation sucks a little bit, if e.g. the woodwinds don't use diffrent"Klappengriffe" (no idea of this word in english) and the violin often were smearing like on the tzigane effect.Often orchestrasare not able to play fast the changes. Even people from the Ensemble modern are not playing them in presto.So I don't care about the fear that at the moment there is no quartertone volume yet available. I'm also waiting for a special effect volume for multiphonix and other "new" techniques of the last century, because often the musicians want to get a recording befor the UA (thats why I chose VSL, I worked only once with the Ardittis, and they never made a VSL Aditti volume, Iguess it's too expensive to ask E2M2 Vienna contemporain esemble or ensemble modern for playing those effects, and e.g. the berlin phliharmonic simply never plays music while the composer is alive. Maybe that's also the case of the Wiener Philharmoniker?


  • Hi Juda!

    The Pitch Wheel is deactivated by default in the Vienna Instruments. Here is how you activate it.
    Go to Perform/Map Control. There you can select which source controls the Pitch. Probably you will want to choose the pitch wheel here.
    You will have to set this parameter in every instrument in Vienna Ensemble separately.



    Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  the pitch under pitchwheel had no reaction but the source speed had following effect:

    I wrote e flat, d plus 1/4, d (pitch in finale 0 for normalize), e flat one bar pause, e flat

    the result was

    e, e plus 1/4, e plus 1/4 , f, e flat

    evry finale user is welcome for help

  • Choosing the speed control as source for Pitch shifting will give you random results concerning the pitch, because according to the length of the note values the pitch of the next note will be adjusted.

    In most cases you will want the Pitch wheel as source. In order to take effect Finale has to send the MIDI values for the pitch wheel. I have no Finale at hand at the moment to try out how to do that, but as you said you already experimented with that, maybe you know for yourself.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  hello andy,

    sorry for my finale questions. the speedy entry is a plus if you can't use the keyboard, sibelius can't do that, so the self painted speacial signs and so on.Finale sends Midi pitches by Midi/Audio=> Midi value=>pitchwheel (while the bank is as described.than the Midi plays microintervalls created by the mf tool.But this informations where not translated to VSL.

    It changes automaticly to "gestopft" the horns switches keys articulations and so on, but I suggested already finale to think about solutions for VSL.

    I recommend finale for contemporary composers, but I guess, because I'm working with it since ages.So I hope some finale VSL user has already experimented.I checked all sources and controllers on everything.but maybe the combination is not right.

  • Hi Juda!

    Now I made a few expermients with quarter tones in Finale and Vienna Ensemble. It is indeed possible. Settings in Vienna Ensemble should be as written before. With the Finale MIDI Tool set to Edit Continuous Data, you have the possibility to create MIDI Data for the Pitch Wheel. Voilà...


    With the expression tool it is also possible to create expressions which send pitch wheel MIDI data.

    Best wishes,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  thanks Andi !

    My mistake was, that VSL needs much more pitchwheel to gett a 1/4 tone in Finale.It's by -500.

    I put an extra "thread" in, to make it more simply to navigate for finale users.


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