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  • Welcome Freigeist,

    I'm sorry to hear about your problems. Please tell us the details of your system (OS, host, etc.)

    In the meantime make sure that you don't touch the original project from yesterday. Work on a copy, not the original. Maybe there is a simple solution for this strange occurance, but it's possible that you _really_ lose data when you go on to work on the same project-version.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • My System:

    - Windows XP

    - Cubase 4.1.2 Build 851

    After I tried to open my Projectfile (by the way: already backupped :)) serveral times, i didn't want to do it again, because of the possibility to open it tomorrow being confronted with the same problem again. So I just did a little test:

    1.) Started up a little New Project

    2.) Imported any Soundfile

    3.) Loaded the VSL EQ onto that track

    4.) Doing some Parameter tweaks

    5.) Saving the project and re-open it -> everything's fine! all the EQ-settings were there!

    So I did a second test, everything like above, but this time just with MORE THAN JUST ONE plugin from the VSL Suite.

    It turned out, that, after saving/close and reloading, the project only loads the settings/tweaks i did on the FIRST CREATED PLUGIN (which is the VSL EQ)! So all the EQ-tweaks were working (even the plugin is working fine) But the others i created were in "DEFAULT"-Settings and NOT WORKING anymore.


    greets, Chris

    P.S. if i would UNLOAD a not-working plugin and create the same one again, it works fine! (just FYI) 

    Edit: Could there be some issues depending licenses? because i was confused by getting THREE license-keys (i added all of them to my steinberg-dongle)

  • Thanks for the repro.

    Are you talking about the smaller VS Equalizer (I tend to call it channel-EQ), or the more complex Master Equalizer? I'm asking because we had a similar problem with the latter in an early version, but this bug is supposed to be fixed since quite some time now.

    Please tell us which build of the Vienna Suite you have installed (click on the name of the plugin to open the "About"-screen).

    Apart from that I can just say that I was testing - and in fact creating many of the Presets - using either Nuendo 3 or Nuendo 4 on a WinXP-based machine. Obviously I didn't encounter this behaviour, but our developers will of course look into it ASAP.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  i have to test it with the smaller ones, but i just found out, that i can load TWO MasterEQs, and the settings of both DONT get lost, but the third plugin i applied (multiband) lost all information.

    Just to give you a little idea of that problem:



    little note: 

    look at the mutliband on the second screenshot - it doesnt even display any peaks or something (the song is running!)


    i just tried the same with the "little" EQs - created 4 of them and all settings were stored (no problems after re-opening)


    i really don't know the reason for it, but that's how the project from yesterday looks like (everything from every plugin gone)

  • Thanks for the info - but please tell us which build-version of the Vienna Suite you are using.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  •  Vienna Suite v1.0.1029 Build date: 2008/11/12 12:56:36


  • Just a short notice to tell you that our developers are already looking into it. Thanks again for the report and your patience!


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • update:

    i installed the latest cubase4 update (version and it seems to work so far! (tried it just twice and it worked well)

  • Uh! That's weird. As I said before - I used the Suite both with Nuendo 3 as well as 4, on Mac and PC, but I didn't encounter the problem you described above. Hard to imagine that Steinberg changed the way to handle plugins from good to bad and back again ... 8-/

    Did your "broken" project bring back the seemingly "lost" settings you made, when you opened it with the latest version of Cubase?

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • ... just a wild guess: Did you reinstall the Vienna Suite, too?

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • No, the old setting seems to be (still) lost.

    I can't say for sure if it's working 100% reliable now, but it didn't happen again since I updated cubase4.

    By the way: I did no changes to the suite! Why should I? Don't I have the latest version? I just downloaded the demo-version last monday, and on thursday I bought the full license (without any de-install/re-installing of the suite).

    It's just strange, but if any settings will get lost again, I'll inform you of course.



  •  Hi Freigeis, 

    v1.0.1029 is the latest version, that´s correct. 

    We checked that this behaviour doesn´t occur with this latest version - please keep us in the loop in case this shows up again!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL