Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Unofficial Vienna Suite ver. 2.0 wish list

    Just started using the Vienna Suite and it looks like it will be very useful to me-- especially the EQ presets (thanks Dietz!!).  The close and clear timpani preset alone has majorly improved my mix.

    But I'm greedy so I decided to start a thread about features I'd like to see in a future release.

    VSL Equilizer:

    --A/B switch for comparing different EQ settings

    --undo button for undoing last edit

    --display of the name of  the currently loaded EQ preset-- perhaps with symbol to indicate if preset has been changed/edited by the user during the session

    --MORE EQ presets!!!  -- Please put the bass drum high on your list

    Thanks and keep up the excellent work!


  • How abut adding an over easy compressor, something simple like LA-2A so user can save some time And maybe adding a dedicate de-esser (simplified version of comp with side chain EQ) Sonny

  • I also would like to see better management of user presets. (ok, I guess we can always use the host for that) Compressor: - external side-chain - parallel compression Exciter - some kind of envelope following and modulation would be nice ... For the Elements library they point out that they had the big Tam-tam played by a Mikrophonie/Stockhausen specialist - so how about a Ring Modulator with oversampling, flexible oscillator and side-chain input for an alternative modulation signal, EnvFollower, Modulation? (I hope this will be one of the plugins that is still to come to VS suite version 1 ...) Just my thoughts and wishes :) best

  • EQs

    • All Filters are switched off as default (to save CPU-Power)
    • or Filters will automatically switch on when the gain is moved > +0,1dB / -0,1dB

    I already discussed these two points with Martin Saleteg. I mentioned it here just once more, to complete this list. 


    • Expand it with a Peak/RMS display (Stereo, Surround?)
    • Expand it with a Correlation-Meter


    • Expand it for enhancing/generating low frequencies (Multiband-Exciter?)

    New Effects

    Beside MIR it would be great to have a conventional reverb like there are dozens - but made by VSL.

    It would be great for all solos which shall sound directly in front of the listener or in other words: a reverb

    with nice, neutral reverb tails but not specially to create nice rooms (most of the convolution reverbs have

    a weak chest in such cases).

    Thanks for this very helpful Suite and the fantastic presets for it

    all the best

    Beat Kaufmann


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • - Power Pan:

    My wish would be an additional channel delay function for realizing runtime delays. Parameters in milliseconds, please.

    all the best,


  • Can I dare suggest TDM version? (Yes, I am willing o pay more :))

  • Powerpan: [b]Depth Control[/b] which allows you to move the sound forward and backwards on the stage by incorporating associated time delays and filtering.

  • I would also find a high-quality realtime pitch shifter very useful.   The whole tone shift available in the Vienna Instruments is sometimes not enough.

    Thanks again,


  • ... just want to let you know that we listen! :-) Don't expect all suggestions to be realized with the next update, but we have an open ear for your input.

    Thanks a lot!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Beat Kaufmann said:


    • All Filters are switched off as default (to save CPU-Power)
    • or Filters will automatically switch on when the gain is moved > +0,1dB / -0,1dB

    I already discussed these two points with Martin Saleteg. I mentioned it here just once more, to complete this list. 


    Just to clarify this, filters WILL not use any cpu power if gain is close to zero. The reason for this is that you should be able to just click and drag one filter band without first activating it.

  • Hello, I think it would be great to see a 5.1 of PowerPan - especially for the LCR (less for the Ls and Rs). I know that the most wide spread sound format these days is 16bit stereo, but maybe also the most boring .... :) for those doing stuff in surround an inclusion of the C-channel would be marvellous :) thanks for considering. best

  • Id like to see an additional "equal power"( like the one in Cubase) option in the power pan menu.

    Also theres some bug in the power panner here ,it keeps on resetting the diplay to 0DB making it impossible to see what your settings are.

    This happens at random seemingly, but is quite annyoing.

    Great plugin bundle tho, im liking them alot. Very well thought thru.

    Looking forward to seeing the new additions to the bundle next year.

  • Maybe I missed something, but I'm surprised there isn't a bypass switch on any of the effects. So maybe putting that on would be an easy addition? If I did indeed miss it, please politely correct me. Cheers! Brent

  • Well, normally bypass is a host thing, although for plugins that introduce latency, it is quite useful to have one on the plugin so that there is no jump when bypassing it .... best

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    @brandall said:

    Maybe I missed something, but I'm surprised there isn't a bypass switch on any of the effects. So maybe putting that on would be an easy addition? If I did indeed miss it, please politely correct me. Cheers! Brent

    Would be handy to have a dedicated button but you can control-click on the effect name in the mixer window to select bypass.


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    @ct1961 said:

    Would be handy to have a dedicated button but you can control-click on the effect name in the mixer window to select bypass.


    The upcoming Vienna Ensemble update (in testing right now) has a dedicated bypass button added to the top bar of the plugin window. It also enables bypassing of plugins by Alt-clicking on the insert fx in the mixer.

    Regarding bypassing inside the plugin, I believe this is a functionality that should rather be handled by the host.

  • Dear VSL Team,

    Vienna Suite is certainly a very nice addition to VSL, but I believe it is missing some basic functionality when it comes to using it inside Vienna Ensemble.   I'm referring to the fact that you can't automation a VS plug-in's parameters from your master computer's sequencer when it is placed inside a VE instance.

    This isn't a problem unless you need to adjust a plug-in's parameters dynamically during the course of the sequence in order to suit the needs of the music.  I do this quite often and I bet I'm not the only one.

    Now I can use VS plug-ins in this way (i.e. dynamically), but I have to place them on the tracks of my master computer's sequencer in order to get that kind of functionality.  This uses my master computer's resources when I would much rather have them in a VE instance on my more powerful slave computer.  This means that unless you intend to use VS in a static fashion you can't use VS inside VE.

    Now I realize that this kind of functionality is probably not easy to implement, but I'd like to point out that this type of automation already exists for VI.  Using VI in Performance Control I can assign MIDI CC numbers to Velocity X-Fade, Cell X-Fade, Release Time, Expression, etc.  I can control the CC data values from my master computer's sequencer and they automate the various parameters of the VI's that are inside the VE instances on my slave computer.

    I'd like to see the same kind of functionality for the VS plug-ins.  I would imagine it to work very much the same way it works for VI.  (Example: I open the VS Power Panning plug-in and right-click on the "Width" parameter.  The "Width" slider would blink red and I could assign a MIDI CC number by sliding a controller or by selecting the CC from a "Map Control" interface like the one with the VI's.)

    Now am I the only one that would use this kind of automation for VS with VE?  If so, then promptly ignore this.  If not, then......?

    Thanks, Brian [:)]

  • Well, I think automation would be nice to have, but I am not sure that MIDI would be a good solution - sounds somehow like in Logic 4 ....
    I mean, you must select the track and the insert slot to address the correctly .... There is a protocol which is ideal for that, but no host supports it - OSC. So, maybe use OSC with automation with a OSC converter plugin - that overs an automation interface to the host, converts automation data from the host to OSC data that is sent to the slave.
    just my thoughts

  •  No, you are not the only one. The possibilty of using automation on VS inside VE is the first thing which crossed my mind when I started using VS (which is, just to avoid any misunderstandings, a stunning set of plug-ins, all compliments to the development team). It would be a great feature to have in one of the versions to come...alongside of things such as a few undos and redos for the last changes or the possibility to directly create directories for different categories of presets when saving them...

    Happy new year to you all,


  • Hello, I just bought a new Digidesign Icon D-Command. The Vienna Suite will not work with the Icon, when I load the Plug-ins, the dedicate EQ and Dynamic knobs don't do anything. Protools is a major software, please add support for it (fully support). Thanks Sonny