With an amazing amout of luck, I might be able to sell this (the requirement was dramatic music, film trailer style):
...but of course only if it sounds decent. Any comments (composition, orchestration, mix) are hugely appreciated, especially on how to improve the cello realism when they're plaing alone. Also, even though I'm using three stage depths, some of the instruments STILL sound like they had friggin' RealVerb on them. And near the end, you can clearly hear where VI randomly skips midi events for no reason at all - I mentioned this in another thread but haven't found any solution yet except to solo the individual track and bounce it to .wav.
Finally, since this is my first piece offered up for criticism, be gentle with me :-) Nah just kidding. Be brutally honest, except for pointing out the john williams-isms - the guys who might buy this won't care about that. :-)