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  • VE3 running on a Mac G5 dual 2,0 GHz PPC???

    I have this G5 mac "left over" from upgrading to an 8 core system. In the future I defintely plan on a 16 Gb PC, but right now there ist no money left for that : ) Working with VE2 on the sequencer seems very annoying to me (soundflower doesn't work properly, after a crash you have to load all samples from sratch, ...). So I wonder, if it could be worth while to use the G5 for this purpose (7 Gb Ram). Does anybody use a similar setup? In case it works: can I use most of the ram? Any performance issues? Clicks and pops? And: how shold you divide the sample content on HDs? I have a 250 Gb System drive, an intenal 500 Gb HD and an external 500 Gb Firewire 800 drive (Lacie). I wouldn't like to buy much more extra, since it is only a temporary sollution (what isn't in the world of computers???). Thanks for your time!

  • Please! No one has tried that combination? Maybe the info is in the forum already. I cannot find it though ... if you know any topic, please give me the link.

  • Hi Fritz, G5 works fine for me as a Woodwind Slave together with a RME Card there is no Problem with VE2. You can put all samples on one internal Disk, start it in the morning an there you go. I have 8GB in the G5. And although I use also Bidule with other plugs VE2 and G5 run smoothly. Only Prob is: On many legato voices you have to turn latency up to 1024 to avoid klicks. But you can Predelay your tracks in logic. Best Oliver

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    @oliverheuss said:

    Hi Fritz, G5 works fine for me as a Woodwind Slave together with a RME Card there is no Problem with VE2. You can put all samples on one internal Disk, start it in the morning an there you go. I have 8GB in the G5. And although I use also Bidule with other plugs VE2 and G5 run smoothly. Only Prob is: On many legato voices you have to turn latency up to 1024 to avoid klicks. But you can Predelay your tracks in logic. Best Oliver
    Thanks Oliver, that helps a lot! But ist doesn't make me feel confident, that it would work for me. Unfortunately I cannot use a RME Cerd since all of their PCIe Cards are not PPC compatible (wich is a shame). In fact I bought the new mac because there was no other sollution for my new AD/DA coverter available (I need Tdif). That's why I didn't have the money for a VSL PC left. So I would need VE3! I think I will wait for more money to buy the PC and sell the G5. It's sad, though, because I won't get much money for it any more and as a sequencer I was not really disapointed with it's performance : ( Anybody using a G5 doublecore PPC with VE3 and is able to at least load big string templates (without clicks and pops or to much latency)?

  • I have a master DAW that is a Mac Pro. 

    I use VE3 on two slaves.

     One is a Mac Pro running Vista 64 w/ 24 GB RAM that handles the majority of the work load. Multiple instances of VE3 are open.

    The other is a G5 with 6.5 GB of RAM. I don't push it very hard. I only have one instance of VE3 on it. 

    It works. It's OK. You are limited in its RAM usage if you use any Mac OS (currently) for VE3. 

    There's got to be several threads on this subject previously. You might want to do a search. 

    Best regards,


  • I am using a Mac Pro with two slaves under VE3 one is a G5 2.0 5 g. and the other is a macbook pro 2.4 2 g . I get better performance from the macbook Pro . First I thought it would be the opposite and loaded one instance of VE3 with about 1.3 gig of ram running strgs. on the G5 and got all types of artifacts. Then I Switched the setting so that the same setting would load but in the MacbookPro. The CPU loading came down to about 25 to 30 vs. 70 in the G5 , so now I am using the G5 for WW which don't play that often in my score. The problem occurs when several inst. play at the same time so I can have 7 instruments loaded but I don't have them play simultaneously. Hope thi info helps