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    @William said:

    I am NOT a chimp.  I find that suggestion very insulting. Chimps are quite aggressive and war-like. 

    I am a Bonobo. We solve our problems with love, not war.  Our list tends to feature both the Eastern-influenced bonobos, whose music reflects a certain peaceful, meditative  state of mind,  as well as porno music such as Rita's work, which has been highly influential among our kind.  It of course features the Bass Flute which is in fact revered as a phallic diety.  Just last night as a matter of fact I attended a very invigorating ceremony around the lingam during which a composition of mine was premiered. I did the marimba solo by the way, and it all came off very well I must say.

    My assistent Dr. med. vet. Rita G. Hasenfratz-LeBlanc corrected this terrible frailty.

    Btw, Rita also plays the Sub-Contrabass clarinet, and premiers a tone poem titled "Low BBBBb-Spot Tornado for Octocontrabass Clarinet and large Orchestra", sculptured in 1976. The score is also avalable for EEEb octocontralto clarinet, however I will not attend the concert for reasons William already mention at the end of his post.

  • Who's the guy in Switzerland that's become a sort of Rocket Man? Fantastic achievement. It's just amazing to see the pictures of this chap flying over the English Channel in minutes.

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    @PaulR said:

    Who's the guy in Switzerland that's become a sort of Rocket Man? Fantastic achievement. It's just amazing to see the pictures of this chap flying over the English Channel in minutes.

    His name is Yves Rossi, and he calls himself Jetman, or fusionman

    whole Switzerland and Austria is hoping that Yves plays a marimba on  his next flight from Geneva to Vienna.

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    @Angelo Clematide said:

    His name is Yves Rossi, and he calls himself Jetman, or fusionman

    Ok thanks. I thought it might have been you as a matter of fact.

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    @William said:

    I am a Bonobo. We solve our problems with love, not war.

    Not always, apparently.

  • Well, I hoped this would be kept  quiet but I see you have spilled the beans.  Of course my own behavior has provided evidence of this unfortunate tendency among our kind.  Still, we can hope that the future will be brighter and more peaceful. 

  • o.k. I will stick with the bonobo tribe

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on