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  • WHEN????????????????????? Can we at least get like a ROUGH ESTIMATE you know maybe like the year or the decade i.e. 2009 or 2010? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok on one hand I guess I understand for competition reasons why you would need to hide it I mean I can just imagine the developer for EWQL or whoever your competition is reading this forum and finding the 'smoking gun' and running back to his bosses "I got it!! I got it!! VSL is bringing out their choir Q4 2009!!! Finally we know the date! Now everyone hurry let's finish our choir so we can use this knowledge to beat them out in the market!" - by either shipping it before VSL or at the same time to steal sales's always best for big companies to have their best project release dates a secret from competitors so that basically competitors aren't given time to develop a strategy to try to steal sales or basically adjust their own developments based on the new discovered time table for VSL's release. But still here's hoping that maybe you're permitted to give us SOME ROUGH estimate at least the year perhaps or something...I'm salivating at the mouth here come on.

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    @michi said:

    all the best, michael

    Hal-leluja - Hal-leluja - Haleeluuja [;)]

  •  Requiem - you make valid points but I think the risk of giving no 'rough' of the schedule will in fact lose sales.   The current offerings of choirs have their limitations but a pro needing some 'choir' might just purchase what is currently available because he/she is unaware of anything on the horizon.  

    Obviously if VSL hits a homerun on this Choir (when it eventually hits the market) - people will say 'crap' - I just paid X for the competition BUT if the projects require it - the pro may spring for the additional dollars - but I am thinking of the 'hobby/semi pro' client (which I bet are MANY) - those are the sales that could be potentially lost given no updates on schedule (becuase they already purchased the competition).

    I have the competition's products currently and continue to use them on many projects - I just want what I think will be THE choir offering (judging the two years of using the SOP limited release.) 


  • This is a good point in fact I'm one of those people  you speak of. You see I'm considering getting a choir library in the short to medium term future and if I were to know definitively that VSL choir is coming in 2009 I might wait but if I'm left in the dark as you said I'll have no choice but to buy EWQL or something else instead simply out of necessity.

    However just based on my experience and knowledge of such things as big releases from corporations, given the fact that no real announcements to my knowledge have been made or any progress reports divulged I would not expect such a major library to come out anytime before 2010 and honestly even 2010 may be unlikely.

    My educated guess is at the earliest Q4 2009 (unlikely), realistically Q2-3 2010, at the latest Q1 or Q2 2011.

  • Yea - if your schedule is possible (I think given the nature of what has to be done - wouldn't surprise me) - if I were in your position I would purchase the competition.   "Clients" won't wait as we all know. 

    For me if a project would be more than minimally rewarded by picking a library (new or old) - and I can work it in the budget - I usually get it.  In some cases it could mean winning the gig or not.

    No matter what - when VSL releases this important library - there will be many lined up to purchase regardless of what they may have currently on the HD's.



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    @michi said:


    all the best, michael

    Just a 'yes' to the topic question - which includes the word 'ever' - is not very helpful, and rather obvious (I know it was meant in good humour, as is this). Can you answer monosyllabically again on whether this choir to be released within the lifetime of this universe, will be literate? Thanks.

  • In the hope that tomorrow will bring good news: [8-|]


  • I think the younger and vital ones among us might have a reasonable chance to witness the release of the product.[:P]


  • the VSL-choir will be released, no doubt about that, but we prefer to talk about our products when we've finished the work. all our customers and the entire VSL-community are beautiful, young and vital, so i can't see the need to change our philosophy. we are looking for quality in the spirit of a musician instead of speed in the spirit of a racing driver.[;)]


    cheers, michael

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    And before anybody asks:

    @michi said:

    [...] we prefer to talk about our products when we've finished the work. [...]

    .... yes, we know that we talked about Vienna MIR actually years before its release, but this was for a good reason: We had high hopes that somebody else would do it! 8-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • HA! :D

  • Haha, don't worry. I am fine with the way you guys do your thing.

    Besides, I will lose far too much money if you keep releasing products too fast [:D][:P]

    Keep up the good work!



  • that the MIR-age has ceased to be a mirage and it has indeed come upon us, will hopes for a choir library this year be fulfilled, or..?

  • Hopefully before the '10 year' anniversary of the sopranos that were released. [:(]

  • I don't own the sopranos but from what I've read on the forum, they have some issues and take some getting used to in order to work with.  However, I understand that they sound fantastic.  Perhaps VSL is working on these "issues" so that they can put out a better product then what is already available. 

  • I'll give you everything in my pockets right now for what you've got done so far.

    It's your move,

  • Well, coming up with a choir library which lives up to the high quality standard of the VSL team that we have grown accustomed to is not an easy undertaking, especially if you want to integrate seamless wordbuilding.

    I imagine that especially in the case of wordbuilding that there are certain walls you run into if you want to maintain a sampling purist approach.

    With that in mind I wondered about the new feature in Kontakt 4, Authentic Expression Technology, which allows for seamless morphing. If it truly works as advertized this may just be the kind of technology which will enable seamless wordbuilding.

    I don't know if the VSL team has given some consideration to incorporating other additional technologies that will complement the sampling approach? If it does not change the character of the sound in a negative way and it yields more convincing results (especially in the case of wordbuilding), then using additional techologies to the sampling approach might be worth some consideration.

    But then again I'm not standing in the shoes of the team working on the choir library, so, it's just a thought. Any input from VSL?

  • I'm using VI 2 years now, and since then they surprised me more every time...

    so I will be patient and wait for the news. since I know the things they do are great!


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    @Jann said:

    Well, coming up with a choir library which lives up to the high quality standard of the VSL team that we have grown accustomed to is not an easy undertaking, especially if you want to integrate seamless wordbuilding.

    I imagine that especially in the case of wordbuilding that there are certain walls you run into if you want to maintain a sampling purist approach.

    With that in mind I wondered about the new feature in Kontakt 4, Authentic Expression Technology, which allows for seamless morphing. If it truly works as advertized this may just be the kind of technology which will enable seamless wordbuilding.

    I don't know if the VSL team has given some consideration to incorporating other additional technologies that will complement the sampling approach? If it does not change the character of the sound in a negative way and it yields more convincing results (especially in the case of wordbuilding), then using additional techologies to the sampling approach might be worth some consideration.

    But then again I'm not standing in the shoes of the team working on the choir library, so, it's just a thought. Any input from VSL?


    I'm sure that the VSL team is considering anything and everything. The non release of the choir leads me to hope that it won't just end up being the same sort of pathetic attempt that other developers have delivered. It needs to be a step up from that.

    Regarding the morphing technology, I wouldn't hold your breath for acoustic instruments. I think it will be very complicated and in order to work properly will need to offer the same amount of control as something like Samplemodeling's The Trumpet. But sounding better, of course. [;)]


  • This would not typically be VSL 'style' but I'd vote for a workable oo's and ah's release NOW (with basses, tenors and altos) - expecting a workable workdbuilding solution later (version 2.0, 3.0 , 4.0, etc,).

    What say ye VSL?
