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  • VSL podcast - Update

    Hey guys,

    Felt I owed you all some explanation for the lateness of the next show. I'm in the middle of moving home .. from the Netherlands to Canada. So as you can imagine it's a pretty big step and LOTS of fiddly things to do whilst I move. My studio is packed away and I'm using my MacBook Pro for the meantime for my work. I am still going to do a show but it's taken longer than I thought to get out.

    The next show will contain part II of the interview of Joel Goldsmith and I really hope I can find the time to get this all editted and out to you within the next few weeks. I won't actually be in Canada until late September after which time the podcast will resume properly .. and I hope I'll be able to do them more often.

    So, just to let you know that I haven't totally fallen off the face of the earth .. although sometimes it's looks like it :P .. and that a new show is coming soon. My continued appreciation for all of you who listen to and enjoy the shows. Talk to you soon.


  • Hi Hetoreyn

    ...moving again. I can't imagine to move all my "fiddly things". There are too much of them. [:^)]

    Nevertheless, I wish you all the best!


    Composing in the morning (in the woods, by a river or a lake).

    Shooting bears and fishing salmon in the afternoon...

    Having a barbecue in front of your hut in the evening (bags of the hunt)

    What a life...

    Sorry, there is something more...

    Producing "Podcast Shows" during the night (after the barbecue).

    ...look 'after yourself! 

    and all the best from Europe

    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • All the best, Heto, and take care!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • :D .. thanks guys.