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  • Hear VSL Used at the Olympics This Week

    Dear VSL users and producers, I thought some of you might be interested in hearing VSL at work at the Olympics.  You are watching it anyway, right?  I composed some music for one of the contestants in the equestrian dressage category.  Specifically this will be the freestyle music for Courtney King Dye on the US dressage team. It is the Individual Dressage Final Grand Prix Freestyle which takes place from 7:15am to 11am Tuesday August 19.  That is Eastern Standard Time in the US so you have to figure out what time that is in your country.  But you can watch this live on the internet at   It will also be on TV at 6pm in my area on the Oxygen Channel.  You’ll have to look it up for yourself in your country. I would be interested to hear some of your thoughts and opinions on the music.  It is not a perfect piece of work.  When they started working on this it was just a pasting together of preexisting recordings.  And that’s as far as most of these freestyles go musically.  But when the Olympics became a possibility they brought me in to take it to a higher level. But I didn’t get to start from scratch, which makes it harder, you know, to pick up where someone else has left off.  We gradually replaced sections with original music until in it’s final version only some of a Cat Steven’s song, Sad Lisa, remains at the beginning and end plus a little of something else.  But all the music during the trot and canter sections is my work. The passage and walk sections are parts of recordings spliced in sometimes enhanced with some VSL.   All the instruments are VSL except for the piano. All the best,  

    Mark Hagerling

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    @mahag said:

      You are watching it anyway, right?

    Well I can't speak for others - but uhhhh no. I'd rather drink my own urine.

  • Charming post, Paul. Sounds like you've been imbibing too much of your own home-brew.

    And Mark, I'm afraid I didn't catch the piece, but congratulations anyway. It's an unusual but vast showcase for any composer's work.

  • Heathcliff,

    Thanks for having something nice to say. I really appreciate it, especially after that.  Just so you know, it has't taken place yet. It will be tomorrow morning (my time) about 12 hours from now.  Then on TV playback... who knows when...tomorrow evening where I am.

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    @heathcliff_4650 said:

    Charming post, Paul. Sounds like you've been imbibing too much of your own home-brew.

    I'm sure the music is great.

    I would have far more interest in olympic games if they were about sport and amateur sport at that. I would certainly prefer to see names of laboratories on an olympian's t-shirt rather than their country. That would make far more sense than pretending it's about a persons country.

    It's about money - and a lot of money too.

    They have managed to bluff the rest of the world in this country to allow them to hold the games here in 2012. At a cost of 22 billion sterling. This is money that the labour party has indebted us for - so as to pander to ethnic minorities. This, when 75% plus of the nation's children are basic illiterates and you have more chance of dying in hospital AFTER you've entered it than staying outside.

    Thank you for bringing up the olympic games btw. Incidentally, held in a sh!thole country on this occasion where human rights are a mere dream. But you have to pander to Made in China just like you have to pander to everything else these days.

  • I'm sorry you feel that the Labour Party is acting as a shill for ethnic minorities (the rest of your rant is a rather blustery camouflage, I suspect). Perhaps you should take these passionate concerns to your nearest BNP office. They like words such as "pander" in such places. But you probably already know that.

    Now run along, dear, and don't get hit by a bus on your way otherwise you might find yourself in hospital being tended to by an ethnic minority nurse or doctor... and it might give you toxic shock. A shame, but appropriate given the toxicity you've introduced here.

    The next time you peddle crap like that here, I will complain, officially, to the site owner.

  • Well - what makes you think you're right? Why do you immediately start with stuff like the BNP? What's that all about? The second anyone says what everyone in this country knows - they come out with their left wing drivel.

    It's the government - not the people. Go complain to the site owner. Knock yourself out. This thread will be shut down - that is what will happen. Go figure.

    You have to understand I have no beef about ethnic minorities personally - the labour party does and that's what everyone here understands.

    But on a personal note - If you were to speak to me in that condescending way in real life - I would rip out your spine and probably beat you until you were bloody. Just so as you know.

  • P.S. I'm sorry for Mark that his very interesting post has descended into this.

    Perhaps, Mark, you could tell us more about the music - any technical considerations of writing a piece that would be broadcast over such a vast, acoustically unique arena as the Bird's Nest? Maybe you should start another thread about it.

  • Thanks for your interest, Heathcliff.  Perhaps I will write out a couple points for anyone that's interested.  There are some rather unique considerations.  I'll have to do it a little later however. maybe tonight or tomorrow.

  • Yes go on Mark or whatever your name is. When this twat has taken his dick out of the guy he's with just remember this. This left wing prick wouldn't even have bothered to answer your thread. And no one is really interested in your music. Sorry and all that but that's the way it is round here.

  • Hello everybody,

    sorry for chiming in so late.

    PLEASE, gentlemen, this forum is related to music, which in turn is of course related to everything else in this universe. PLEASE refrain from insulting fellow forum members, or even threatening them (PaulR), we cannot allow that in our forum. 

    We also respect your political views, please don´t let them ruin the joy you have making music. 

    Mark, congratulations, and thanks for sharing the info!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I see - so it's basically OK for that homosexual a$$ bandit to make some personal abuse about the BNP - but it's not OK to answer that accusation. Well - sorry about that. I'll just take a baseball bat to the fucker when I find out who it is. no worries.

  • This thread is closed for very obvious reasons.

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL