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    @DG said:

    Well get that new super PC ready then...........!


    Without spilling the beans about the details, I think it's safe to say that we have already overcome this hurdle (... well - something _must_ have happened behind the scenes all the time 😉 ...). All you faithful believers in this project will be pleased, that's for sure.

    You can't say something like that and then nothing else. Get spilling. [:D]


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    @DG said:

    You can't say something like that and then nothing else.
    Sure I can! (... devilish grin ... 😉 )

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Another User said:

    Dietz - you are mean! 




    Yes, I know! ;-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • In that Case My MacBook Pro and Quad G5 stand by to knit-pick :D I can't help myself .. I'm sooooo looking forward to MIR.

  • Any updates on MIR's release? Am looking to invest in a reverb plug-in such as Altiverb soon, but think it might be worth waiting for MIR..? Any thoughts?

  • Hmmmmm ... hard to say. AltiVerb is always good to have, as it covers aspects of convolution reverb the MIR is not built for (... it's not very useful to make multiple impulse-respones from a 2 square-meter closet, for example). But OTOH it's no big secret that we are close to an "official" version of the MIR. So it's up to you ... ;-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    ... it's not very useful to make multiple impulse-respones from a 2 square-meter closet, for example

    What do you mean by this? Do you recommend me waiting for MIR? I'm just using space designer in logic at the moment..and i want something more..i know there is only so much info you're allowed to give us before MIR's official release..but when it comes to spending serious money please advise me.......😛

    Thanks for your time!


  •  Hope it's released soon while there's still an economy left here in the U.S. that can afford it!

  • I can still wait. When MIR is released I have to buy a new computer. And MIR determines the technical specifications of it...

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    @RainerL said:

    I can still wait. When MIR is released I have to buy a new computer. And MIR determines the technical specifications of it...

    And probably four MADI cards as well. It's not going to be cheap. [:(]


  • Matt,

    of course I want you to wait for the MIR. ;-) ... but if you have some work to be done _now_, don't hesitate to buy AltiVerb, as it won't lose its value.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @vibrato said:

    So it is indeed very close to release date....

    Not necessarily "very", but close.

    No offense, but I will believe this when I see it.

    It's been work in progress since, what, 2002?

    Best regards,


  • But, can MIR do all that Altiverb can ?

    Pariss G.

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    @hbuus said:

    No offense, but I will believe this when I see it.

    It's been work in progress since, what, 2002?


    Best regards,


    No offense taken, Henrik. Yes, the concept is ready since 2003 or so, and I've got work done using the MIR's basic principles back in 2004. But we were waiting for faster CPUs a long time (too long, actually).

    Nonetheless we had to find a new way to overcome the still existing hurdles of processing power, after all those years. Personally, I think it was worth waiting, though: What you will see appearing on the market soon is more or less MIR Vers. 3, offering full resolution without the need of offline rendering.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @PianoPariss said:

    But, can MIR do all that Altiverb can ?

    Pariss G.
    No ... I mean: Technically, MIR _could_ do all (and more), but no. It's a different approach to different tasks.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Dietz,

    I forgot to say that I'm actually very excited to see what MIR is all about.

    Judging from VSL's track record, it will be something special for sure.

    My skepticism has to do with the fact that I was going through some old forum posts in here recently.

    Here I noticed that the current thread about MIR is pretty much the same as some of the MIR-threads in 2007, 2006, ..., 2003 [:)]

    But I can certainly understand the wait for processing power, and will be happy to see MIR in the shops soon.

    We live in exciting times!

    Best regards,


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    @Dietz said:

    Nonetheless we had to find a new way to overcome the still existing hurdles of processing power, after all those years. Personally, I think it was worth waiting, though: What you will see appearing on the market soon is more or less MIR Vers. 3, offering full resolution without the need of offline rendering.
    Are you talking of GPU-computing or something like that? It seems that it's offering loads of performance for those kind of things (convolution).

  •  No, they said they found some _other_ way of overcoming CPU limitations.

    They discussed the GPU option in the early days of MIR development, but decided it would be best not to be tied down to any specific hardware (and avoiding the need to rewrite MIR's code numerous times).

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    @Another User said:

    They discussed the GPU option in the early days of MIR development, but decided it would be best not to be tied down to any specific hardware (and avoiding the need to rewrite MIR's code numerous times).

    ... although we are _still_ discussing this option for the future. Things changed a lot in this regard during the last one or two years. There seems to be some kind of standardisation going on, as far as the use of GPU for non-graphical, "external" tasks is concerned. This means that the tie software / hardware wouldn't be _that_ rigid any more.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • From the VSL site, on NAMM 2009: "Some surprises may be revealed on January 15, 2009! Don’t miss our new presentations!" *giddy*