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  • Many thanks Paul for the quick reply. I will take you up on your offer to reinstall 3208. Best regards, CC64

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    @Paul said:

    Obviously this is happening on Tiger only, as far as we can tell.
    This is also happening in OS 10.5 Leopard, not only Tiger.

  •  Hi Christof,

    We tested 4 Intel machines (a Macbook Pro and 4 and 8 core Macpro´s) under 10.5.4 with Logic8.0.2 and Protools7.4.2 (HD and LE) and have not experienced any troubles yet. On the other hand the combination of a G5 with 10.4.11 and VI running in Cubase/Nuendo immediately produced the errors you are describing.

    We will investigate this further and have already a new (intern) version for looking into this also during this weekend to solve this asap.



  • yes...i've got the same troubles.. im using loigc7.2.3 with 10.4.11 on a G5 Quad powermac. does anyonte have an older version of Vienna instruments software,that works,smootly?? please let me know..

  •  I am running 3208 on MP. I am still able to load and play the Bass Flute download product.

    Hope this helps.

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    @alex-m_3106 said:

    yes...i've got the same troubles.. im using loigc7.2.3 with 10.4.11 on a G5 Quad powermac. does anyonte have an older version of Vienna instruments software,that works,smootly?? please let me know..
    I found an installer for 2.0.3173 on my HD i did a complete reinstall from my original disk then did the 3173 update and all is back to normal. Best, CC64

  • could you send me this installer via, or thanks...

  • Hi everybody,

    just wanted to keep you in the loop: A new version is now being tested, it will be online asap!

    Alex, I have uploaded version 3208 to your Personal Files and have also written an email in reply to your mail!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello everybody, we have decided to go back to version 3208, until we are through with all tests of the new version. Thanks for your understanding! Best, Paul

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • It did it on my mac pro Leopard OS X 10.5.4

  •  Not sure if it will help you to diagnose the problem, but I'm also experiencing the same distorted audio overloads using version 3208 for Vienna Ensemble 3.  Master = OS 10.4.11 (MacPro 4core), Slave = Vista 64 Ultimate (MacPro 8core).  I'm using Logic 7.2.3 through Digidesign HD3/192io hardware.


  • Hi 

    I'm getting periodic bursts of very loud white noise using Vienna Instruments in Logic (8.02, OS 10.4.11, Quad Core Intel Pro Mac).  I couldn't figure out why this was happening and thought maybe the project was stressing the system too much.   In fact I was just in the process of trying to bounce all my tracks one at a time to try and get a mix finsished when I came across this thread.

    Can I ask if the symptoms I'm seeing fit this issue?  If so, I'll try installing the older build which was just uploaded.

    Many thanks for any help.


  • Yes Jules, the Vienna people have reverted to 3208 on their website. I'd recommend retrograding bfore blowing up a speaker... Best CC64

  • Thanks so much CC64.  I just rolled back my VI install and retried.  Sure enough all the clipping is gone, and I saved myself hours of bouncing into the bargain. :)



  • ...just following Maya's suggestions and all fine ( seems to be ) here on MBP 2.4 10.5.4. ( problems on MP2.8 and 3.0). -A

  • I just reverted back to 3208, and I can use VI again. Marius

  • me too, downgraded, and I even can load my downloaded epic horns....lucky!