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  • The latest version of VI produces audio overloads and stops sounding after that. You have to stop the transport to fix it until the next overload. G5 2.3 Dual, OS X 10.4.11, Logic 8.0.2

  • Yep - it's actually unusable - I had severe overloads during a production yesterday and it was really killing my workflow. Is there a possibility to downgrade?

  •  I´d suggest the following:


     - delete all Vienna Instruments and Vienna Ensemble receipts from Mac HD/Library/Receipts/"Vi + VE.pkg" files

     - restart

     - repair permissions with disk utility

     - download once again the latest versions of Vi and VE from our website and install it

    Kind regards,


  •  in case that the above mentioned suggestions don´t help, please send us the following files:

    <System Profile>

    - select "About this Mac" from your Apple Menu and click on "More Info..." to open the System Profiler

    - when everything is loaded, please save the profile through "File/Save as"

    <Console log files>

    - go to utilities and open the tool <console>
    - open the system.log and save a copy of it, then open the console.log and save a copy of it too

    Please "stuff" or "zip" the files, include also a problem description and screenshots of error messages (if possible) and send them to: (subject: for Maya).

    Kind regards,


  • I am lucky to say that on my system the latest VI runs smoothly. OS 10.5.4 Logic 8.0.2

  • OK I have to revert my last posting, after a restart I had the same problems as discussed above, I deleted the receipts, restart, file permission repair, re-installation of the VI, nothing changed. This is hard, bacause I am just about to finish 20 hours of hard work. I hope you will be able to fix this bug, good luck and thanks anyway! christof

  • The same goes for me. The troubleshooting procedure did not fix the problems. I was invited to send my system log and profile to VSL. I like that personal attention to the individual customer, though I prefer to be able to get on with my work.

  • I totally agree, the VSL support is outstanding, same for their products. Hope they can fix this issue soon so that we can go on with our regular work.

  • Today it is even badder, I have these dropouts with a bib bang (could damage my monitors) every minute. I have to stop working for now, this costs much time. Is there a chance to get a downgrade? Thanks,christof

  • Hi, be careful!!! Don´t use this update!!! Martin

  • You are joking or what, Martin? ;-) If you want to use the new single instruments you are obliged to use the latest VI+the latest installer.I did a downgrade today(found the older VI in my downloads folder),reinstalled and the single instruments didn't show up!I got a mail from VSL saying that they are working on this issue, still no solution yet.Christof

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    @Christof Unterberger said:

    Today it is even badder, I have these dropouts with a bib bang (could damage my monitors) every minute. I have to stop working for now, this costs much time. Is there a chance to get a downgrade? Thanks,christof
    Hi Christof, exact same problem here. A gigantic Whack in my speakers i was afraid they where busted. Now i won't use any VSL instance don't want to push my luck my beloved brand new ADAM speakers. Any chance we could reinstall previous version? Where may i find it? G5 2X2.5 GHZ 6 G Ram DP 5.13 OS 10.4.11 MOTU 2408 MkI

  • Hello everybody,

    we are currently looking into these problems, very sorry for the inconvenience!

    Obviously this is happening on Tiger only, as far as we can tell.

    Version 3233 is necessary for everybody who is using our latest download products, as we updated the license database - everything else will work just fine with version 3208. Please write an email to and we will make this older version 3208 available for you - until we have fixed this behaviour.

    Once again, our apologies for the inconvenience.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Many thanks Paul for the quick reply. I will take you up on your offer to reinstall 3208. Best regards, CC64

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    @Paul said:

    Obviously this is happening on Tiger only, as far as we can tell.
    This is also happening in OS 10.5 Leopard, not only Tiger.

  •  Hi Christof,

    We tested 4 Intel machines (a Macbook Pro and 4 and 8 core Macpro´s) under 10.5.4 with Logic8.0.2 and Protools7.4.2 (HD and LE) and have not experienced any troubles yet. On the other hand the combination of a G5 with 10.4.11 and VI running in Cubase/Nuendo immediately produced the errors you are describing.

    We will investigate this further and have already a new (intern) version for looking into this also during this weekend to solve this asap.



  • yes...i've got the same troubles.. im using loigc7.2.3 with 10.4.11 on a G5 Quad powermac. does anyonte have an older version of Vienna instruments software,that works,smootly?? please let me know..

  •  I am running 3208 on MP. I am still able to load and play the Bass Flute download product.

    Hope this helps.

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    @alex-m_3106 said:

    yes...i've got the same troubles.. im using loigc7.2.3 with 10.4.11 on a G5 Quad powermac. does anyonte have an older version of Vienna instruments software,that works,smootly?? please let me know..
    I found an installer for 2.0.3173 on my HD i did a complete reinstall from my original disk then did the 3173 update and all is back to normal. Best, CC64

  • could you send me this installer via, or thanks...