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  • 47 new download instruments online

    Dear community,

    all of our wind instruments are now available as single instrument downloads.

    (except Oboe d'Amore, where we have to fix a small license bug)

    Also all new upgrade paths are available now.

    On each individual product site you will find a new menu "Discount details",

    which will display all possible discounts to a certain product.



  • HERB.....thanx ;-) they are a great bargain.... SvK

  • Hi. I have only one concern. I own SE & SE plus. I noticed that in the new upgrades, there are quite a good number of articulations that are already included in SE or SE plus. When I purchased the SE plus, I really felt that I was paying for a totally new expansion set of articulations. Purchasing a huge number of articulations that I already own, isn't very pleasing. Also wasting some decent amount of HD space, and having the very same articulations appearing in my VSL's interface, seems pretty messy. I also own the concert and overdrive guitar libraries, therfore I already have a tiny taste of this. But that was fine. Purchasing this upgrade for all the instruments means, a terribly huge amount of doubled articulations. Since I really would love to continue upgrading my VSL collections, is there anyone to find me a convincing solution please? Or perhaps I should just wait, and hope for SE plus2, or whatever the name will be. thanks for your help!

  • I think, the discount for SE and SE+ users is too low for the three or four more articulations.

    The pfp dynamic patches and the flutter tongue samples are quite useful, but the I can't really hear a big difference between the "normal" and the fast legato samples in the Flute 1 Download, I tried. I'm also a bit disappointed, that the Trombone-Download don't include glissando samples.

    - Sascha

  • Hi hose. I don't think these are intended as upgrades - they're just downloadable versions of the instruments for those that prefer to buy them separately. OK, they contain a few extra articulations to the versions SE and SE Plus, but I don't regard that as being the selling point.

  • The most useful solution is to sell the entire single instrument as DVD, this will break up the price and enable customers on budget to gradually build their orchestra. The company will benefit also since the number of customers will increase. Example: Solo Violin Standard 85 Euro, Extended 115 Euro.

  • Nice idea - it would continue a trend VSL started with French Oboe, when they began to release small groups of related instruments. Buyers would probably have to accept minimal packaging though, otherwise the manufacturing costs on so many different DVDs would be high. But given the general need for companies to cut down on their packaging, wouldn't that be a good thing? It's the samples we really care about, not the boxes.

  • Hi Conquer. Honestly that thought came across my mind aswell. But, then I remembered that these new libraries have discounts according to the SE version one owns. Infact if one had to purchase any instrument that is not included in any of the SE libraries, he/she won't benefit from any discounts. I really do hope that VSL will provide users like me with further 'traditional' upgrades in the future, because the new libraries contain some very interesting articulations(except from the ones that are already included in the SE or SEplus of course). It would be great if I could benefit for a discount when purchasing the farfalle trumpets for instance, because I see that, as an incentive to include further instruments in my collections. Why in the world would I need a discount for something I already own(or perhaps 80% of it). I have to say that the choice of newly included articulations is pretty good. I'm mean, having pfp and some other dynamics, flutter, fast legato, portato performances, and some stuff like would be a really cool addition to SE and SEplus. But anyway, we don't get to decided. It's either take it or leave it. Or perhaps get a new library. Hell, I already did that thought when I bought VSL, after using EWQL Symphonic Orchestra for several years.

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    @Another User said:

    Buyers would probably have to accept minimal packaging though, otherwise the manufacturing costs on so many different DVDs would be high.

    Isn't that the case anyways with VI DVD products? compared to the Horizon line products the packaging is quite reduced - no instrument manual, no jewel case (in my Saxophone VI the CD slide ins were even broken - did not really leave the impression that I bought a product that was priced as it actually was) - but therefore I have quite some VI manuals now ..... 😊

    But yes, I think it would be great if VSL reconnected to the Horizon series idea ..... 😊


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    Hi both - thanks for explaining your thinking hose, I agree it would be nice to have a complete choice over what instruments and articulations one buys (though I can see how complicated that would be for VSL) and obviously no-one wants to buy the same samples twice. As I said, I don't think VSL viewed the download instruments as upgrades to the SE versions, but I'm only guessing . . . maybe someone from the company will express a view on that at some point. Either way, I'm sure they will continue to offer the sort of discounts they've done in the past.

    @Another User said:

    compared to the Horizon line products the packaging is quite reduced - no instrument manual, no jewel case
    That's OK I think. I'm starting to have a problem with the huge, garishly coloured glossy boxes some companies put their libraries in - you open them up and there's one sheet of paper and two DVD's rattling about inside. Very wasteful. From a strictly environmental point of view I guess downloads are the way to go - no plastic (apart from your credit card) and it would in theory be the easiest way to offer buyers more choice.

  • Enviromentally sound AND affordable for the musician who can't afford them all in one go - perfect!

    I got very excited when I saw this. 

    I'd much rather buy one instrument at a time, or choose a specific instrument - I don't want the extra trombone, cornet and euphonium but I want the fanfare trumpets - exactly the special brass I want!

    I'd be glad to see more single-instrument-at-a-time releases. Keep up the good work!

  •  It's so true. Infact I'm really interested in purchasing several new instruments, like the cornet and fanfare trumpets for instance. Therefore I really wish to continue upgrading my SE and SE plus in a more elegant way, sort of. I mean, First I bought SE then I upgraded all the instrument's articulations when I purchased SE plus. SE plus was simply the perfect add-on to SE.

  •  That's great news ! [<:o)]

  • That's great Herb, thanks. But here is a suggestion, it would be even better if we could purchase all the articulations for an individual instrument. I would rather pay more and get all the articulations rather than get a lib that is only partly complete. Also, in the long run it would be much less confusing than trying to upgrade with double articulations, missing articulation, various packages etc.

  •  Tons of thanks for these awesome single inst downloads. I think the full-articulation issue is different for everyone. Personally, i focus on strings and had absolutely no hesitation in deciding to buy the full Orch  & Chambers Strings (std + ext) However for me, i dont mind the fact that i dont have the entire articulations available for the viennese oboe or alto flutes i just bought, because i will most likely just use them very backgroundishly.

    But that is specific for my situation. Whatever VSL decides to do, im happy to get my hands (ears) on such great sounds...

    And speaking of strings, are any going to be offered as single instrument downloads? Are you still working on it, or are the current 47 available instruments all we are going to get as far as Single Inst D/Ls?

    > michael 

  •  I am very eager to the solo violin and orchestra Violins(14 players), I wish VSL adds the full range of articualtions for those packages. I have chamber strings st. and ext., really wonderful.

  • Personally, I think that the downloads are a great idea, if for no reason other than the average instrument price is wha i'd spend a week on smoking, and this way i can save the money and reward myself with a new instrument every week or two!!

    Are both these things true:

    1) They are whole tone samples (which is fine with me)

    2) Each instrument contains all the same articulations as the standard dvd version,  not just most of them...



  • Great news. I too am very interested in the strings department: being able to purchase a download/DVDs of all available articulations for individual instruments (eg solo violin, cello section) would be sensational!

  • BRILLIANT brilliant brilliant idea! This is perfect for those occasions where you really only need 1 instrument out of a collection but don't need to invest in the others that are part of that dvd collection. I'm off to do some shopping! Kerry

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    @Emperor said:

    The most useful solution is to sell the entire single instrument as DVD, this will break up the price and enable customers on budget to gradually build their orchestra. The company will benefit also since the number of customers will increase. Example: Solo Violin Standard 85 Euro, Extended 115 Euro.

    I like this idea best of all actually. Reason: Because so far I can't see any dynamics included in many of the downloads.

    Complete single instrument downloads or better still on DVD (perhaps?) is a good idea.