Hi Mike!
I've been following this thread for a couple of days now,
and after all these superlatives about your person, what kind of paper you write your scores, breakfast, your daily working routines up to 20 hours a day, how fast you did the star treck mock up, working as a pro since the age of 15, your terrific website and so on...you seem to be an incredibly sucessful and super talented composer....
I agree with the others, there is a genius among us.
Just one question:
Do you really need so much attention and praises,
watching your video on your website there are even more of this kind,
how can you bear this super hype?
Beeing super busy you have so much time to maintain this self-celebration on this site?
A little bit more modesty would make you more human, let your good music speak for yourself!
Some folks may think I am just jealous, I'm not, I call myself a composer in a certain way though I am a cello player.
My compositions and my concerts speak for myself, if it's good or bad is up to the listener and the audience, a bit of self-confidence and self-promotion is necessary, but after reading your posts and the whole celebration in this thread I have the impression that you are unreachable.
You seem to be a very powerful person with lot of energy and verve, I am sure you are a nice fellow, so don't take this as an attack, maybe it's just a provocation to add some pepper to this rather monotonous thread.
Respect anyway for your work!