Still in the process of choosing my orchestral library, I find more and more that Opus sounds more to my european taste than Gold.
Converting the programs is something I could do without, but I may consider it if there is no other solution.
This being said, as a Halion user, I’m a bit puzzled about the Tool.
I saw on the Net that there are means to use the tool with Cubase/Halion, but the given workarounds seem to go with some obvious disadvantages, like the necessity for multiple tracks for just one "tooled" instrument (some with data for further editing, some with the initial played notes, some with, well I don't even remember). This may become quite complex and confusing as soon as the arrangement involves a few instruments.
I know too little about that tool, so all this calls for 2 questions :
- is the Performance Tool straightforward for Giga users (I mean, one instrument = one track, no need for more), or is it the very nature of this tool which makes multiple tracks mandatory ?
- if the reply to the 1st question is « yes » then : even if VSL does not plan a conversion of their libraries to Halion (what I can partly understand because of the huge work this must be), is it not realistic to hope for a Tool adaptation, which could work straightforwardly in Cubase/Halion ??
- Other question not directly related to the 2 above :
Studying the articulatiuons in Opus, I have the feeling that the Tool is provided only for the legato. I believed that the tool is normally used also for repeated notes. Is this to say that there is not handling of repeated notes by the Tool in Opus library ?
Thanks in advance,
and any Hal/VSL user reading this is of course welcome to make every comment he sees fit about this general topic !
Converting the programs is something I could do without, but I may consider it if there is no other solution.
This being said, as a Halion user, I’m a bit puzzled about the Tool.
I saw on the Net that there are means to use the tool with Cubase/Halion, but the given workarounds seem to go with some obvious disadvantages, like the necessity for multiple tracks for just one "tooled" instrument (some with data for further editing, some with the initial played notes, some with, well I don't even remember). This may become quite complex and confusing as soon as the arrangement involves a few instruments.
I know too little about that tool, so all this calls for 2 questions :
- is the Performance Tool straightforward for Giga users (I mean, one instrument = one track, no need for more), or is it the very nature of this tool which makes multiple tracks mandatory ?
- if the reply to the 1st question is « yes » then : even if VSL does not plan a conversion of their libraries to Halion (what I can partly understand because of the huge work this must be), is it not realistic to hope for a Tool adaptation, which could work straightforwardly in Cubase/Halion ??
- Other question not directly related to the 2 above :
Studying the articulatiuons in Opus, I have the feeling that the Tool is provided only for the legato. I believed that the tool is normally used also for repeated notes. Is this to say that there is not handling of repeated notes by the Tool in Opus library ?
Thanks in advance,
and any Hal/VSL user reading this is of course welcome to make every comment he sees fit about this general topic !