I have just installed Sibelius 5.2 on my PC. I have been on the phone with support for hours now. They are telling me I need to run it through the Vista audio card, and a midi mapper and not my M-Audio. It starts once and after closing the program cannot be started again, locks my computer up. And they are telling me this is the problem..Can anybody tell me there set up. I am using the Vienna ensemble, windows vista with 4gb of ram. Best, Joseph
Sibelius users need help
vista audio card? this should read either vista audio drivers or onboard audio card i'd assume, though i don't understand why not use the M-Audio (except the M-Audio drivers for VISTA are beta, not working at all, ect ..) btw: we are talking about VISTA 32 - yes?
you should be able to insert VE2 (not VE3!) directly into sibelius without any MIDI mapper (which means virtual midi port assumably) - you might be actually able to use the Special Edition soundset for sibelius 5.2 for your SE woodwinds ....
maybe start at a lower level first: does you M-Audio soundcard play anything from an audio track without freezing the machine?
also make sure you don't have configured some MIDI-loop - this often locks machines without obviuosly noticeable reason ...
hth, christian
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
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