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  • VSL as a VST plu-in

     hello, i just got VSL special edition pack. i'm trying to use it as a VST plug-in to my cubase 2.0.  it worked but how can i play VSL plug in and record it to a track? i press record audio or midi track and doesnt do it? can someone help me?

  • I'm not trying to insult your intelligence or anything but are you new to MIDI recording?  Have you tried to record anything else other than VSL on your system?  Are you looking for a step by step procedure? 

  • I'm new to MIDI recording.  I have done intense audio recording before.  If you can guide me step by step to how to record whatever I'm playing in the VSL plug-in into a track.  That's the only thing I need.

  • Oh boy... where to begin.

    Is there anybody out there who uses Cubase that could get w21994 started?  I'm sorry but I don't use Cubase so I could only give you general information stuff about MIDI rather than a more detailed step by step process which is what you're asking for.

    Start by using the search engine on this forum if you haven't done so already.  Perhaps somebody else out there has already asked the questions you have.  If not, try asking for help from Cubase users specifically. 

  • Look for a section in your manual with the title "Getting Started", or something similar. Failing that, Google's your friend!


  • [quote=jbm]Look for a section in your manual with the title "Getting Started", or something similar. Failing that, Google's your friend!

    Yes, there is a whole manual called "Getting Started". Read it. Then read the full manual. Then go to the Cubase forum to ask your question. Then when you have done that, come back and ask specific questions here. Your question is extremely basic, and applies to all VSTi.


  • I'm new to VSL. Can you tell me how you work with VSL? What program do you use? and How do you record and edit with VSL? That would help me because I don't know how people use VSL and get their job done

  • Aside from reading your product manuals, watching the video tutorials, listening to the podcasts, and checking out the information in the Learning Resources link there are just too many different variables for anybody to sit down here and write, working with VSL? OK here's what you do: step 1 you do this,  step 2...  With different platforms, system set ups, sequencers, plug-ins, etc. there are just no resources on how to go about skinning a cat.  Not to mention the fact that everything's going to change in 6 months or so anyway.

    I suggest you go to your local library, or, and pick up a book about MIDI recording in general.  If you can find one that's more specific to your set up and sequencer, great. Then, as somebody posted before, come back and ask more specific questions.

    Good luck 

  • Thank you so much all of you!!! I read the operation manual and I figured it out. I feel silly after I found how easy it was... thank you for going thru my problems together. I'm very happy!!! THANKS!!!