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  • Logic Studio (8) with Vienna Special Edition System Overload

    Hi all,

    I am having some serious problems that are causing me some serious grief.  For two days I worked perfectly on Logic 8 pro with Special Edition and finished an orchestration.  I no longer finished, invited friends and family over and hit the play button and it crashed with "System Overload, the audio engine was not able to process all required data in time (-10011)".  I was quite flustered at that moment as nothing I did got rid of the problem (raising buffer sizes, latency etc).  I went into panic mode after about 5-10 minutes of looking like a complete idiot in front of 15 people.  by this time everyone had lost their interest so I just shut it all down.  Well today I woke up and started researching this error and oh my lord, it seems the whole Logic world has this problem.  I have never seen so many posts on a subject in my life.  There is OODLES of information (actually complaints would be more accurate then information) and forums where this problem is severe and crippling masses of people all over the world.  I have spent so much money to be on this platform I can't even begin to think of changing.  I was at wits end because everything I tried musically came out terrible in all past products.  Until I heard how amazing these Vienna really sounded.  I had finally began getting the results I always wanted.  I am at a complete loss because now I can't even get 1 loaded legato sample of Vienna Instruments to play all the way through.  It crashes with that infamous error.  I was hoping that some people here might have an idea of what to do (shot in the dark).  I have read for 6 straight hours and tried all the scripts, patches etc that everyone says to do.  The only thing I haven't done is wiped my whole machine and started over with it which I do not want to have to do.

    I just don't understand how I can go from two days of perfect working and bam, now it won't even play 1 of my tracks without crashing.  I love this Vienna SE but the thing I noticed, was it only happens to me when I am using it (at least this far).  I took the exact same orchestration, unloaded all of my presets (from VSL SE) and loaded in my Kontakt 2 player and loaded up a full orchestra of GPO sounds and viola, it worked perfectly with no system overload.  I was even able to reproduce that while using the internal soundcard on my machine, it didn't even need my RME card to run flawlessly.

    Here is a list of my hardware and software and perhaps you all can give some advice.  I will also list below this the exact manner in which I use the software so you can see what process I take and load on my channel strips.

    Macbookpro - 2GHZ Intel Core Duo

    Memory - 2GB 667MHZ DDR2 SDRAM

    Mac OS X - 10.4.11 (installed on the internal 80GB 5400RPM drive)

    Logic Studio (pro 8) - 8.0.2 (1502.22) (installed on the internal 80GB 5400RPM drive)

    RME Hammerfall DSP Multiface 2 (using Expresscard)

    Vienna Special Edition - Vienna Instruments v2.0 build 3173

    Vienna Ensemble v3.0 build 3173 (am running v3 even though I use only one stand alone machine)

    External Hard drive for samples - Seagate Freeagent Desktop 250GB USB 2.0 7200RPM

    Lavry DA-10 converters

    My normal procedure for doing an orchestration is as follows:

    1.  Create New project in Logic Studio (pro 8)

    2.  Create Virtual Instrument tracks and assign names

    3.  Assign Vienna Instrument Stereo to each channel and load the appropriate instruments sample (using VI as a plug-in, not from stand alone).  For instance Orchestral Strings, Violins, Legato patch.  Then Violas in intrument 2 and so on.  So far I have never gone over 5 instruments.  1 set of Violins, 2 sets of Violas, 1 Cello and 1 Doulbe Bass.  I never loaded more then 1 instrument patch per plug-in channel (so never more then those 5 samples in memory).  So I had 5 instrument parts, each having 1 Vienna Instruments plug-in with the 1 single legato patch assigned to it.

    4.  Record each instrument in through live playback from midi keyboard.  Very Basic legato notes, no trick work or key switching.

    5.  Assign Logics Reverb - Space Designer to each track (totaling 5 instances all together)

    6.  Save.

    7.  Done

    That's it.  That is about as advanced as I have gone to this day as I just got the SE the other day.  I simply cannot hear that this machine does not have the potential to play that few of instruments when I can playback 20-30 back at once with kontakt (I literally loaded as many channels as I possibly could and got around 32 in kontakt (without having to do Kontakts own "learn" process) and somewhere around 30 in EXS before I got bored and stopped adding more.  I still had plenty of resources to go.

    Any assistance you can provide would be so helpful and appreciated.


  • Erm, when you use Kontakt or EXS do you also add 5 Space Designer plugins too?

    Unless you really really really need a single Space Designer on each VI I'd have one (maybe two) and use sends instead of inserts. This could be where the problem lies....


  • I did not load 32 instances of space designer with my kontakt and EXS tests but, when I replaced my 5 VI instruments with Kontakt player it worked effortlessly.  I didn't have to remove any of the Space designers.   I did completely unload all of those space designers from my VI instruments and still have the same result, overload.  I even tried to remove 2 parts and only play violins, violas 1 and 2 (removing cellos and basses completely by deleting them) and still it overloads with no space designer.  It seems to me that if I can unload all 5 instances of space designer and still crash/overload while playing 3 single note instruments that's just horrid performance.

    When you say use sends, how exactly would that setup in Logic or you have no idea?  I am looking at my project right now and I have the option to choose a bus number between 1 and 64.  I am assuming that it would have to correlate to some external application like Ensemble 3?  If so, I could send it to Ensemble 3 (which I haven't even used yet) but I don't have any reverbs etc for that.

    Within Logic, I notice that I have a few options in I/O, I can choose to use vienna instruments, vienna ensemble or my Kontakt player (as well as logics built in stuff).  I haven't tried to use Ensemble from here yet.  Have any idea what might be the optimum type of setup for someone like myself on the hardware I have knowing that I do pretty much just classical orchestrations?  Do I use an individual Vienna Instrument (under I/O) per channel within Logic, or should I use 1 Ensemble per channel?  Or should I be using the Vienna instruments or Ensemble externally and do some kind of setup to have it route information to them in stand alone modes and then send the information back into Logic?  I don't know how to do the second option (stand alone sends etc) but if that's the way I should be doing it, please advise.  I will learn whatever I need to learn.



  • Ok, let's start from the top and I'll assume you're quite new to Logic so hopefully this will make sense.

    1. Open Logic and Create a New Blank Project
    2. Insert 5 New Tracks of type Software Instrument, don't check multi-timbral, click Create.
    3. For each of the new tracks go through and set the I/O to VI and leave the output set to Out 1-2
    4. Load up a single patch into each VI

    To add reverb (we'll use one instance of SpaceDesigner)
    1. Go to your first track and click on the first empty box under Sends, go to Bus and choose Bus 1 (for now)
    2. Now switch to Mixer view and you should see your 5 tracks plus one called Aux 1.
    3. On Aux 1 track click on Inserts and add the Space Designer Reverb then set the reverb to whatever preset you want (Large Room perhaps?)
    4. On the instrument track you can adjust the send level using the little circle icon that should have appeared next to the Bus 1 send
    5. Send each of the other 4 tracks to Bus 1 and set their send levels as well
    6. Try and play your music and let me know what happens.


  • Well that was cool because I learned how to assign a single instance of an effect to multiple channels however same result :(. It crashed with system overload. What do you think we should try next? Thanks, Maestro2be

  • Could you perhaps post your Audio preference settings and your Project Settings for Audio as well?


  • Hi! I am really sorry if you know this. I do not think you are stupid, but your situation sounded all too familiar, hence my humble response: Have you thought to bounce your ready project as a stereo file? My PowerBook G4 1.25 GHz with 2 GB RAM does not take even near that many plug-ins as you mentioned. So, as I work, I use only one VI software instrument, route its output to Bus 1, create new audio track and select its input "Bus 1", record Vienna tracks to that audio track and create more new audio tracks as needed. When I use Ivory piano or some other software instrument (RA, Miroslav), I right-click next to right side of the track name in the Arrange window, select "Configure track headers...", select "Freeze" to be visible, set the end locator of the song, click the snowflake symbol next to track name and click play. The computer calculates an audio file offline and stores it inside your session folder into the folder called "Freeze Files". They are essentially AIFF files that computer plays back from there, although they seem invisible in the session. You can change track volumes while frozen, nut if try something else, computer asks you to unfreeze track. After you've done your edits, click snowflake again and press play, it is calculated again. My friend did not know this while mixing an album on MacBook, and this saved his day. I would suggest that you just bounce the whole song out and play a stereo file to your friends. That's what I do. All the best, Hannu Ala VI SE & SE Plus Finland

  •  Maestro2be:

    One possible bottleneck in the setup you describe is that your samples are on a USB drive - - try a Firewire  drive (FireWire 800 if possible with your machine). Use fewer instances of Space Designer as others have described. If necessary, bounce each track to create an audio track then edit & mix the audio tracks. 

  • Thanks for the responses.  Here are the answers requested (I hope [:D]).


    I am only using the default settings inside of the project file settings (44.1K) and everything is default selections (I never modified anything in here).


    Your solution for bouncing a track and then listening to that is exactly what I should have been doing. Putting aside the error I am faced with at the moment, I could have bounced the track and then listened to it that way.  I was in panic mode so of course this didn't even cross my mind.   Wish it had, but it didn't.  I will definitely do this from now on and thank you for that.  As far as the machine goes, I have a friend who uses Vienna Orchestra Cube on the same laptop as mine with the same settings and he can do 10-20 instruments at one time so I know the machines capable of doing it but something is wrong somewhere.  I am starting to think that perhaps my machine is corrupt (OS X) and may need a fresh rebuild.  I was speaking to my mac store genius people and they instantly put me in touch with a logic pro person and he as well as 2 others both agreed with my assessment that it sounds like a corruption issue might be causing this because what I am trying to do is less then what they do everyday on the same hardware.  I am going to be wiping the machine today and clean install everything and update my post here.  If it fixes it I am going to post for the mass of people out there who are experiencing this problem all the time as well.  May not fix them all, but perhaps some.

    I also did try your way and it worked exactly as you said.  I will start using this from now on for demo purposes.  Very much appreciated.


    I only have a Firewire 400 Port on my machine.  My question would be though, what difference would it make on my samples if these are all streamed from memory and not from my hard drive like my gigastudio setup does?

    Yes, I am no longer ever going to load 1 space designer per track.  I now know how stupid that is.  The trick Tim showed me really dropped my CPU down a good 10% at least.  That's my new way of doing my plug-in effects.

    When you say bounce each track, I assume you mean each virtual instrument track I have seperately, then modify the mix there?  If I am fixing things such as note length (for more legato feel) and velocity etc how would I do that in the bounced track?  Or are you just simply saying, when you are ready to make the "mix" and done fiddling with each instruments settings and velocity etc, bounce them all to an audio file, then actually do the final mixing with 10 audio files, instead of say 10 vienna midi sampled instruments in real time playback?

    Thanks all for the responses and I hope I covered everything!


  •  Hello,

    I've read a few posts recently about an airport update on macbook pros that had caused problems like this....... I'm assuming you airposrt is switched off? If not give it a try.

    You could also look in your software update log to see if any updates coincided with this proplem arrising. (sytem - preferences - software updates - install updtaes)


  • Check out the Activity Monitor as it gives you a lot more insight into what's going on, particularly the number of threads etc.

  • Yea I tried the airport turn off idea a few days ago and it had no affect.  I did notice however that I recently did the 8.0.2 and prokit update.  I wonder if those busted it.  I don't know of a friendly way to uninstall Logic (doesnt come with an uninstaller that i know of) and or the most recent updates.  Perhaps if I could start rolling back from patches that might help, but I am on Tiger 10.4.11 and I am not sure if that is doable?  Would I need Leopord with time machine to do that?

    I also was watching the activity monitor for days on that thing.  They never lined up properly with the CPU usage in Logic.  Logic will spike to 100% and the processor won't even budge in activity monitor.  It's really strange.


  • Cgernaey: I'm also running my Special edition on a Macbook Pro with 2GB of Ram, using a 500 GB firewire 800 HD for the samples, and i have the same problem as you with Logic 8, for example the Christian Kardeis demo for Special Edition (which has a lot of SD instances) doesn't run well on my system, i have yet to test my SE in a proper way (i'd been very busy the last to weeks on another musical projects, in fact only last Saturday i was able to "play" a little bit with the samples and they are awesome), but i noticed that thing about the CPU meter going 100% and the HD still on 0%. Please let us know how you solve your problem.

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    The following is a quote from a Wikipedia article (found at:

    "Perhaps more importantly, FireWire makes full use of all SCSI capabilities and has high sustained data transfer rates, a feature especially important for audio and video editors. Benchmarks show that the sustained data transfer rates are higher for FireWire than for USB 2.0, especially on Apple Mac OS X with more varied results on MS/Windows."

    The Vienna Instruments samle player was designed for streaming samples from disk. AFAIK there is no way to turn this off. The reason is, of course, that the samples are very large. The Special Edition is, for example, comprised of 81GB of samples. There are few computers that can support 81GB of RAM. What happens is that VI sample player loads only the first 64k of each sample into RAM and streams the rest from disk - - this is how they were able to load and run the Symphonic Cube on a computer with 32GB of RAM - - all the little 64bit sample headers took over 30GB to load.

    What I meant is that after you've done MIDI editing, then bounce each instrument track to audio and do the final mix from audio tracks. One thing this allows you to do is to edit volume on the audio track - - which, I find, is very good for subtle, micro-dynamic inflections.

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    @cgernaey said:

    I am having some serious problems that are causing me some serious grief.  For two days I worked perfectly on Logic 8 pro with Special Edition and finished an orchestration.  I no longer finished, invited friends and family over and hit the play button and it crashed with "System Overload, the audio engine was not able to process all required data in time (-10011)". 


    Hmmm... I think that your second assertion about the corrupted file is probably the culprit here.  Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you finished your project, got it sounding the way you wanted it in real time WITHOUT bouncing tracks, then played it for your friends and that's when the problem occured, right?  I may be pointing out the obvious by now but it seems to me that something happened between the time you finished your project and the time you played it for your friends. 

    You may already be doing this but with a system as precarious as yours I would just dedicate it to music and nothing else.  DO NOT use it for logging on to the Internet or anything else for that matter. 

    A few more points about bouncing tracks and such.  Those audio tracks that you bounced form MIDI can also be bounced again to make submixes.  Rather than bouncing everything down to just one track or seperate tracks for all of your instruments try doing submixes.  After bouncing them to audio tracks I'll EQ my string lines seperately then bounce the bounced tracks down to one track or submix, apply reverb to that submix, and, if needed, I'll then EQ that submix, sometimes not.  Then I move to the WWs and do the same thing but giving them there own independent reverb, then the brass, etc.  If I'm doing a chamber arrangement, then I will just use one reverb.  When it comes to music recording and production, there is more than one way to skin a cat and you'll find your own method in time but these are some suggestions to get you started anyway. 

  • Thanks for all the responses and I have a lot of updates.  I have done so many tests and spent the last 3 days doing nonstop tests and isolation patterns.  Apple Logic Team is waiting on my answer but I am giving my results here first.  By the way before we start, let it be known that this is NOT a VIENNA issue as it may have appeared to be in the original post depending on how you interpreted it.  This is either a Logic problem only or a Logic problem with OS X contribution.  I will respond to each of your posts first, then present all my tests.


    Your laptop is pretty much the exact same as mine.  The varying difference is that you have a few other applications that I do not have loaded and your soundcard is different.  I only have Logic Studio (8), and Vienna SE (Vienna Instruments v2, didn't load Ensemble 3 this time) at the moment.  Prior to everything I just went through over the last 3 days I used to also have Kontakt player 2, Logic 7 (from the upgrade to studio leaving it there), Sibelius 5.2, GPO, M-audio Firewire Drivers (spare soundcard in case of multiface 2 crapping out mid project) and every possible software update from every manufacturer.  I only use my laptop for music production.  I do not email, browse the web (unless it's for driver/software updates) or anything else.  I use an external USB 2.0 drive for my samples compared to your Firewire, you have me beat severely in this category after the research I did based on Steves post.  I really hope all the information I provide below will help your situation as well.


    Thanks for this info because although I knew USB 2.0 is 480mbps compared to Firewires 400, I learned a lot about how they actually work (after researching more) and realized that the firewire protocol itself is just more effecient for long file transfers and continuous disk reads.  USB has a slightly better small file BURST speed, but is quite literally almost 2 times slower then firewire 400 in long continuous file transfers.  With that noted, I will be changing out my USB drive for a Firewire.  Now if I could have my dream world at the moment, it would be to take my Ultra320 300GB 15000RPM seagate cheetahs I have sitting brand new next to me and drop them in an external enclosure that converts to firewire 400.  Does anyone know if such device exists?  I started looking but not thoroughly yet, I needed to get this information to you all.  I also had no idea that Vienna was streaming from the hard drive (I have no idea where I got the information that said it didn't, I must have misread something somewhere).  Yes, the idea of how you final mix your midi is what I will try next time.  After I try everyones ideas I will have come up with my own favorite way by then (I hope).


    Yes you are correct with the assessment and stating that something had happened between that time.  You will see exactly what happened and the fix I did below in my testing results.  I never use this laptop for anything but music composition as I have learned that the hard way in the past but thanks for the advice, you never know.  Some people might read that and go duh, and realize their problem is from abusing it with oodles of software and garbage browsing etc.  I really like your idea about the sub mixes.  I can easily do that with my strings, brass, percussion etc and submix them with their own individual plug-ins.  The nice part is that they are now audio files so I don't have to worry so much about all the huge file transfer problems of live playback mode which I am doing now.  I should be able to get away with more plugins that way and make the sound more realistic without taxing the machine.  I appreciate the information.  All of these ideas are great.

    Now we are up to the analysis, testing and results.

    Analysis:  Originally I was working with Logic 8 and Kontakt player/Sibelius and having no issues what so ever for a few months.  I was completely glitch free and never seen this OVERLOAD message in my life (not even in my days of Logic 7).  After a period of getting frustrated with the sound quality I decided to hit the Vienna Venue.  This is when things went hairy so of course my mind wants to jump to conclusions that it's the software I just installed.  Common sense would tell you this.  I did some google searches and realized I had hit something that was an enormous problem, world wide with what seemed to be Logic (based on what I was reading).  So ultimately, what could have happened, what actually did happen and how did I get to this point in such a short time?

    Testing:  I began my testing by opening up old orchestrations and noticing that for some reason they all played just fine using Kontakt player (full orchestrations using GPO).  I then tried Sibelius with GPO and again same result, it worked just fine with no overloads, pops or clicks of any sort.  I then loaded a bunch of EXS intruments up and played them all back and again it worked perfectly without overload.  Of course at this point I was thinking, great, It's only when I load Vienna instruments.  The second I loaded up the same projects with VI it would overload.  I was so certain that there was no way I was using to many resources but it would constantly spike to 100% CPU when using VI no matter how many instruments I had loaded.  I had to now prove out who was the culprit very painfully because Activity Monitor and Logic weren't lining up properly resource usage wise.  I decided at this point I was going to need to wipe the box and start from scratch.  Just before doing this I went back to the apple genius desk and spoke with the Logic Pro guy (he makes film scores etc using Logic 8 and Vienna Orchestral Cube).  I remembered that specifically because he is the one who sold me on Logic in the first place.  During our discussion he said he didn't have these problems on his Macbookpro.  We pondered a while and I said you know I think I am just going to wipe the box.  He said give him some time to research and talk to a few more people and get back to me.  Well when he did, everyone one of them said the same thing, wipe the box and start over.  Great, just great.  So begins the building.

    Scenerio 1 - I pain stakingly took the next 12 hours backing up my data, backing it up again, comparing folder sizes etc, triple checking and finally being sure to back up my data (did I say I backed up my data?).  Once I felt comfortable that I had everything (I was never 100% but I knew I had to move on) I threw in the Tiger restore disc from my MacBookPro, rebooted and began the install.  I decided to do a fresh wipe and clean install (not an Archive).  After the OS finished loading I immediately did all the updates for Tiger.  I did not load any software yet.  only OS X updates.  After those were done, I loaded my most updated Multiface 2 drivers and got it working.  Once I had a perfectly stable brand new machine I threw in the Logic Studio Disc and began my install.  For my install, I chose to install Logic, Logic node, Main stage, Soundtrack Pro and Waveburner.  I did NOT install any of the demo content, audio content or plugins etc.  None of the additional material at all.  This would speed up the process and if it didn't work, I didnt stand around for 6 hours waiting on complete installs.  I did not do ANY logic updates at all.  I simply installed from the disc, then moved on(which gave me Logic 8 Pro Version 8.0.0 (1473.23).  Once this finished I took out the disc and immediately did my Syncrosoft elincenser, followed by VI v2 (just downloaded from the web).  Once those two were up and running I started sweating and decided to give it a try.  I opened up Logic, setup my audio environment (only thing I did was change internal soundcard to my hammerfall Multiface 2) and then loaded my orchestration test which had 5 solo parts in it.  After it finished loading I hit play, and it played through the entire orchestration without any glitches.  No overloads at all.  I almost curled up into the feetle position and cried of happiness.  I then opened up my projects and viola, they worked just fine.  however, I knew I wasn't done yet.  I still didn't have an answer.  So I thought well first off, lets go ahead and load all the Logic Updates etc and get it updated.  After a few reboots and sessions with Apple updater doing prokit paks etc yada yada I decided ok lets try it now.  I opened up Logic, opened my project and BOOM.  The second it hit the first note it crashed.  I decided to re-install Kontakt player.  It was crashing so bad now that I couldn't even get Kontakt player to work without overloading.  I said well that's it then.  It is one of the updates.  Problem was, which one!?  So back to the drawing board.

    It was also at that moment, that I realized something.  When I got off the phone and was done doing business and rounding everyone up to come over, I had run the updater and did all the updates in boredum while waiting for their arrivals...

    Scenerio 2 - I did exactly the same steps as in scenerio 1, installed OSX, updated OSX only.  Then installed Soundcard.  Then installed Logic Studio (DO NOT DO UPDATES).  This again left me at Logic 8 Pro Version 8.0.0 (1473.23).  Then my Vienna SE.  From here I re-tested all my orchestrations and they all worked again.  I decided to study the actual updates (by reading what the heck they were actually doing).  I hit the update software button and 6 came up.

    1. Prokit Update 4.5 24.2MB
    2. Logic Pro 8.0.2 135MB
    3. Pro Applications Update 2007-01 1.0 850KB
    4. Pro Applications Update 2008-01 1.0 31.2MB
    5. Mainstage Update 1.0.2
    6. PluginManager 1.7.3

    At this point I chose to install numbers 5 and 6 (by UNCHECKING #1, 2, 3 and 4) because they had nothing to do with Logic.  Once those finished I rebooted.  When I came back in, I relaunched the updater.  This time it brought in a new one:

    1. Soundtrack Pro Update 2.0.2

    I went ahead and did that one as well since it had nothing to do with Logic and again, NOT installing the original 4 we passed up already.  When I got back in all that was left was the original 4 we left alone.  I opened up Logic and ran my orchestrations (with VI) and they all still worked perfectly.  This was without using LEARN MODE. 

    At this moment I am sitting here staring at my machine, Software update window, and deciding if I want to venture into those 4, one at a time to find out who is the problem child(ren).  I also need to re-introduce Sibelius 5.2 into the mix but for now I will leave well alone for a few days.  I have run for 1 full day now without glitch or overload but I still have a few more things I must note.

    1. It is obvious to me that either OS X or Logic has a serious issue with multi-threading this application and spreading the load equally between the two cores (unless its nothing but a graphical reporting error or mismatch).  Even with things running fabulously, the core on the right (logics CPU meter) is ALWAYS significantly higher then the core on the left.  I was able to max out core 2 (right) to 100% by loading 15 violins all playing at the same time but the left one never went beyond 20-30%.  I didn't overload, once in a while it would drop a note or too audibly, but it wouldn't stop and overload.
    2. The Demo from Christian is extremely taxing on my machine.  I loaded it up (optimized mode version because my machine can't even handle the non optimized version).  It played back the optimized version (25 intruments, all with plugins, EQ's etc) however, the right core was pegged at 100% and the left at 50% the whole time.  It did not overload etc, just simply dropped a note here and there.  I also only had 21MB of ram free during this playback.  It gobbled up my entire free memory.  Now I suspect this to be normal behavior, it's a very large orchestration with tons of bells and whistles and it simply is more then my machine can handle without some serious effort involved.  This is not a glitch or problem with applications, more so a resource issue at this point.  I would suggest at this point, if you want to HEAR the demo do as the amazing guys before me said, BOUNCE the track and listen.  If you want to study what he did come back to the demo and LOOK at the plugins etc but DO NOT sit there letting your machine go at 100% CPU playing this thing or you will fry it.  Processors do not like constant loads over 80%.  If you are reaching that point and need more, then you need a better machine then what you have(or upgrades to your current).
    3. I did not get to try this setup with something like a Firewire 400 drive compared to my USB 2.0 so I can't give any results from that however, from what I have learned and the actual hard specs, you should get much better performance and perhaps even more samples at one time from moving to a FireWire sample drive.  If you aren't using your expresscard slot (macbookpros) or have an available PCI-X slot in your MacPro, you could do a SCSI or SATA solution which will provide even better performance if you spend the bucks for the fast spinning drives.  I myself am using my slot so I am limited to my USB or FireWire port.

    I also highly suggest you disable your Bluetooth, Airport wireless, Internal Network card, Screen savers, fancy background fading schemes etc to free up resources if you do not need them during recording/playback.  I sat there and watched them in activity monitor moving, taking memory, moving packets of data etc.  May not be much but I got myself some more free ram out of it.  For people like me on the MacBookPro we don't have many options once were maxxed out, so you need to find resources to dump if you need more for something else.

    Well I am going to be passing all of this on to the Apple Logic Team in California and seeing what they can do about it as well as see if they can look into the poor thread per core distribution.  This may not be addressable but I am going to try anyway.  I hope I was able to help someone with this information.  Hopefully someone knows of a way I can get my SCSI Ultra320 Drives into a single drive enclosure/converter to FireWire 400.


  •  Ratoc makes a FireWire to SCSI adapter which costs a little more than $100. You can buy it at Amazon. You can see specs etc. on the RATOC website at

    Whether it would work for your purposes, I don't know.

    The simplest and cheapest thing to do is to try using a Firewire 400 drive and see if that improves things.

    There are other options - - all of which involve considerable expense:

    1. Get a MacPro desktop machine in which you can install

    lots (8-16GB) of RAM (purchased from a third party supplier like Other World Computing and NOT from Apple which has incredibly inflated prices for RAM)

    a couple of fast SATA drives for the sample libraries  - - or in which you can install a SCSI (PCIe - - NOT PCI-X) card for your external SCSI drives and put in the RME card designed to mate with the MultiFace II.

    2. Get a new MacBook Pro which can handle 4GB of RAM and has a FireWire 800 port.

    3. Scrap your current RME setup and replace it with an RME FireFace 400 and get an eSATA adapter for the card slot in your MacBook Pro and attach a two drive RAID 0 array to that card.....

    Basically, what it seems like is that, at least part of the problem you've encountered is the fact that the Vienna Library requires vastly more computer resources than the GPO.