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  • VE2 - My audio refuses to come out and play. Anybody help?

    I am running Vienna Ensemble 2 as a standlone on a dedicated PC just for my Vienna Instruments. This PC also has Giga (which I have used for VSL) and Kontakt 3 still installed, though I am not using them.  Giga works great. Kontakt works great. Even the first Vienna Instruments (the clunky omni version) works, but my new install of VE2 won't send any audio to my outs.  MIDI signal is getting in and the blue "Hal" light responds with its digital smile, but I can't get anything out of it.  How do I set the VE2 audio out to my M-Audio soundcard?

    None of the other three programs has a problem finding the card. What am I missing?



    Apple G5 dual 4G master,   2 Slave PCs each with 2G of ram- one for Kontakt & GIGA and one for VE2.

    College of Eastern Utah Music Dept.

  • Hi Russ, your set-up is similar to mine. The VE's soundcard routing is set under Options - Preferences - Audio/MIDI Preferences: on my system, 'ASIO: DELTA M-Audio Delta ASIO' is highlit.

    BTW, did you ever have Giga, Kontakt and VI running as simultaneous standalones on your PC? I used to be able to do stuff like that with Windows 98 but when I upgraded to XP it stopped working. Although I can still open multiple standalones, I can only hear audio from one at at time and have to re-set its audio preferences to do so. When I asked M-Audio why this might be, their response was the classic unhelpful excuse: "Must be the other guys' software".[8o|]

  • Thanks Conquer. 

    I feel your pain; that's why I bought a SECOND Slave PC. Resetting parameters everytime you want to switch sounds is nuts.

    Unfortunately my preferences are set correctly, exactly as you mention above.  The Main Outs are also set to the M-Audio card.

    I can't figure out why the same configuration works for Giga, but not for VE2.  That's why I am so frustrated. I don't know any other options, and I'm pretty good at this stuff -- I teach it!  I've got to get this running for classes in August so I can still be one step ahead of the students.

  • Does your soundcard support multiple audio applications simultaneously? Even if Gigastudio is not started, its driver may still be claiming the audio outputs, I believe.

    The application itself is merely a front-end for the streaming kernel, which is loaded at startup time.

    Were you able to combine Giga and Kontakt?

    Maybe this helps.
