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  • New movie scored with VSL

    Some of you might know what Machinima is. But if you don't, it's an industry that is slowly creeping up with the big boys.

    I've recently finished scoring a World of Wacraft machinima entitled "Acolyte 1.5". I hope you enjoy it!

    Links below:

    Watch the film:

    Listen to the isolated score:

    Download the isolated score:

    Comments appreciated!

    VI information:

    I have a unique string setup which entails about 16 VI's loaded for a full string section. Chamber Strings, Solo Strings, and Appassionata Strings. VE is awesome for this type of setup. I simply used nothing but the max velocity patches (usually 4_vel) for each section. All strings were input used an Electronic Wind Instrument. This is using the extended edition, but I believe standard might have the 4_vel patches as well. These are a must for string realism imo.

    Brass is using the Brass I and II extended edition. Solo trumpet, Trt I-II, I cheated on the horns and used epic horns paired with the 4 horn patches as well as the "blare" patch in Epic Horns, another neat patch to play with.

    The flute sound is the Alto Flute from Woodwinds II. I didn't use much woodwinds in this.

    Also cymbals, gong hits, timpani is VSL percussion. The gong cresendo is Advanced Orchestra, and taikos are Sean Beeson taikos and SD combined in various layers (I used loops to shorten the dev time)

    Choir is Symphony of Voices, only a few patches used.

    Ambience is varioius drones from the Apple sound content that comes with Logic Studio Pro.

    This was done in about 20+ hours I believe. That should give you enough information. If you have questions, feel free to ask. 

  • Sounds Great! Congratulations on your work Nathan. I recently had very bad luck, because i live in Chile, South America, and Vienna Instruments are not available here, the thing is that a my brother was living in New York and he came back last Wednesday, the idea was that he was bringing the Vienna SE from New York, and sadly he had a problem with the people at guitar center (they told him that they would bring the orchestra dvds to the store last monday, that will cost us 20 extra dollars...that was fine for me, i couldn't wait to have the SE in my hands.. and finally he went there and there wasn't any dvds... and he had to fly back to chile on tuesday... Long story short, i don't have my SE with me and now i'm desperately looking for someone to bring it to Chile before May 15th... i didn't buy it online because i had some issues with musicians friend because my credit card wasn't "american", even if i bought my Mbox 2 Pro there last year with same Card... now they told me to use PayPal... that way i won't have problems... only if i had known a little earlier that!!). Well sorry, i just needed to express my sadness and frustration.. Your music is very very good, congratulations again!

  • Very nice Nathan. I like the big waves of sound you get. Nice and moody, too.

    Filipe, try a company called Sweetwater. They're very helpful and on top the their game. They may send international. Just google it.


  • Can you tell me about the Piano at 11' and the FX for it? are you using Reverb plug-in or hardware? Love the Sound! just like a real hollywood movie :) Thanks Sonny

  •  Lots of people make various piano libs. I've bought VSL's before, as well as some others. But that type of style with the Newman feel never worked with them.

    What you hear is a mere $50 dollar sample. The "Old Lady" by Post Musical Instruments. Everyone should have this.

    Now as far as engineering. I reduced the velocity by about -30, so it's all soft. Lots of compression so every note pops out, and a very long reverb tail using Platinum Reverb in Logic. 

  • That's a neat trick, I have Old Lady too and never use it :)

    Another question: is the song mixed in the box [software only and no hardware eq/comp involved?]


  • Yes, everything was done within Logic, including all effects, EQ, and compression. 

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