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  • Release Automation Not Working

    I am trying to automate the release inside of Vienna Instruments, so this is what I am doing. I right click the release fader, and move the midi controller I want to control it. Then I check in Logic to see what number that midi controller is, and I go to Logic's matrix editor, and turn on hyperdraw, selecting the correct midi controller number. After entering in automation info, there is no change. So, during playback, I go into the Vienna Instrument window, and I can see the release fader moving with my automation data, but still no change on the release. I am confused. Any help? Thanks.

  • Firstly, what patch are you using?


  • Solo cello (from SE standard) sustain crossfaded less than half with legato.

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    @ColinThomson said:

    Solo cello (from SE standard) sustain crossfaded less than half with legato.

    Release doesn't affect legato patches until the last note of a phrase. Maybe this is part of your problem?
