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    @John O'Neill said:

    I would suggest to Herb that, if the legacy customers number so few, that this minority group would all be given the option of contacting the sales department to do a deal when the time to upgrade comes. Then everyone wins . A nod from the company in that direction would end the discontent felt amongst VSLs original customers. Perhaps the VSL company would email this group privately if it is not a big logistical exercise and assure them of a value for money upgrade when the time comes. I would like to echo a quote from one of the contributers made above (I) " simply don't want all the extra articulations right now, until I can buy an off the shelf PC/Mac with 32gig of RAM etc." This is a common sense approach to upgrading in my opinion and a company as professional as VSL with customers who are serious about making professional recordings must be able to judge when customers are in a situation to take full advantage of upgrades. Please don't close out the customers that are most likely to upgrade in the future at a 'common sense' time. John O'Neill
     I'll double second this (or third it - if that's possible [:)] )

    My silence on this issue has not been an indication that I'm OK with this situation - it's only been because I didn't want to fan the already rising flames. (I have been avidly following progress  though) I can't pretend that I'm going to be in position to upgrade substantially in the foreseeable future, but my understanding of 'investment' was the same as those who have eloquently argued their case here.

    I'm only chipping in now to register a) my interest in keeping my possibilty of a future upgrade 'live' as it seems increasing numbers are doing, and b) perhaps indicate that it's not only those who have been active on the forum that are affected or concerned.

    Notwithstanding that, it's a great shame that this difficulty has occurred - I'm sure the company did not intend to upset anyone, and that the decision was taken with the best of business intentions. It does appear that many of us feel somewhat aggrieved though, and I would urge Herb to leave no stone unturned in looking for a solution that appeases the disgruntled customers among us, but that also preserves the integrity and future of the firm. There's nothing else out there that comes close to this one as far as I can see. [Y]



  • What's the story for individual instrument upgrades? is it possilbe to have the SE and SE Plus, and then upgrade individual instruments [say, first violins] to the standard or extended library level? or would that be soo messy with licences that it would drive anybody crazy? :D


  • I have the Pro ed Orchestral Cube and was one of the early adopters. Being a hobbyist, this was a huge investment. For different reasons I have not been musically active for some year now, knowing that I could always upgrade VSL when needed in a more musically active future.

    Accidently I happend to stumble upon the information regarding the suspension of the VIP program for us old-timers, and it felt like a slap in the face. VSL was one of the companies I trusted to keep a high quality and taking care of its customers. And keeping its promises. Yes Herb, as evident in this thread your customers regarded your statment on the VIP-program as future-proof.

    Now I've seen in this thread a couple of attemps to try to explain the reasoning behind this ill-percieved move:

    1."it's becoming too complex to keep the discount calculator up-to-date". Several propsals from users would mitigate this. Hence, there do exist a solution to this if there is a will.

    When this argument didn't hold, another argument came up:

    2. "the editing cost is so high, so the users have been given way too much discount already". So, if e.g. Steinberg choses to switch code platform for Cubase for some reason but keeps the functions/interface the same, this would suddenly be a totally new product warranting no upgrade path?

    I'm sorry, but from many of your customers perspective VSL simply withdraws a promise/agreement made at the time of purchase, as has been stated several times in this thread. I just wanted to add my voice to all those that already have rightly complained about the abolishment of the VIP-policy.

    I do not plan to upgrade this year. In the future, when I may be more active, do you really think I would start from scratch buying the VI-edition for €€€€??

    Please take reason and work on a solution based on the many good proposals made in this thread so that the people that kept you afloat when you started (or those that bought non-VI editions last year) don't feel betrayed by your sudden change of policy. We invested in VSL based on your stated commitments.


  • I would 'fourth' the motion of having the 'few remaining' users who have not upgraded from Pro Ed (etc) to VIs being able to do so in the future - please say this will be possible! I may use the special offer period to pick up a few of the collections in the next couple of months but there's no way I'll be able to buy (and no way I need) all the VI versions by summer. 



  • [edited: never mind]

  • Before this thread hits the bottom, I wanted to see if Herb or anyone else at VSL could clairfy where this discussion has ended up.

    Early on we were told that we can extend beyond the 15 July deadline if we contact VSL sales or our local distributors, that would get us another three months grace to fund the upgrade.

    At a later point, after indicating he might need more time than that, Fred was told that Sales would call him and discuss a further extension.

    Please understand I'm definitely not trying to stir this up further, just looking for what the final 'word' is on the upgrade timeline. I for one would be with Fred on needing as much time as possible to gather the financing.

    Thanks in advance for the clarification

  • Bump...

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    @cmm said:

    Before this thread hits the bottom, I wanted to see if Herb or anyone else at VSL could clairfy where this discussion has ended up.

    Early on we were told that we can extend beyond the 15 July deadline if we contact VSL sales or our local distributors, that would get us another three months grace to fund the upgrade.

    At a later point, after indicating he might need more time than that, Fred was told that Sales would call him and discuss a further extension.

    Please understand I'm definitely not trying to stir this up further, just looking for what the final 'word' is on the upgrade timeline. I for one would be with Fred on needing as much time as possible to gather the financing.

    Thanks in advance for the clarification


    I was listening to Jay Chattaway's interview on Hetoreyn's podcast (well done!! Looking forward to the following ones). I surmised from what was said, that Mr. Chattaway has also not opted to upgrade to the Cube yet, and the reason he has yet to do so is certainly not that he is a loser who cannot pay his bills... There are different reasons why VSL users have not upgraded their software yet. I am also sure that he is at a level where he could not care less about his perpetual rights to upgrade being revoked, and doubtlessly there are others in that category. He is just an unexpected example of the apparently not so "few" users still working with Pro Edition.

    Even if such an eminent TV composer was working with VI, that would not constitute a reason to ignore the plight of the lesser known "investors". I am hoping the management is deliberating an answer to CMM's and Fred Story's posts. The rest of us are also awaiting this with great anticipation.



  • Well I eventually went down the route of upgrading now, because I don't have a lot of hope that things will change, and there is no way I could afford to upgrade later. So I loaded up a credit card, and now have a whole stack of shiny new DVDs.

    But, for my peace of mind, I'd still like to see the VSL team try to resolve this for everyone else. I now find myself more committed to their products than ever. Not only has my expenditure now doubled, but I am now at their mercy because I've bought into the VI player, which makes me feel quite nervous. In theory they could pull all kinds of stunts now that the ability to play the sounds rests with their own software. I can't help worrying how long it'll be until I can't use the samples without paying again. A move that restored my belief in their commitment to the customer would really help.

  • I also have been essentially 'forced' to buy the remaining 5 Vienna Instruments a little sooner than I wished. I too originally bought the full Pro Edition and have been attempting to buy the VI equivalent over the last year. One thing that has made it hard for me is that VSL keep bringing out new stuff (like the Organ and Sopranos) so I've felt I needed to prioritise buying those new sounds. On the one hand I'm kind of glad to have been pressured into getting on with the purchase (since I am essentially prone not to spending until I have to) but on the other I am worried about the trend for the company to not do as they originally said. I share Pingu's reservations about committing to platforms that are quickly technically obsolete and then having to pay out for upgrades or entirely new products. I would point out that since I bought a new Intel Mac and Logic 8 last December, the Performance Tool in Pro Edition no longer works (in EX24) rendering the move to Vienna Instruments even more essential. I would have hoped that VSL would have addressed that but they've apparently not. It's all very fine for them to say that Apple moved the goal posts but I still think VSL should have tried to fix that for Pro Edition EXS users. I would like to see more support for legacy products please.

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    @Patrick Wilson said:

    I would point out that since I bought a new Intel Mac and Logic 8 last December, the Performance Tool in Pro Edition no longer works (in EX24) rendering the move to Vienna Instruments even more essential. I would have hoped that VSL would have addressed that but they've apparently not.

    It's all very fine for them to say that Apple moved the goal posts but I still think VSL should have tried to fix that for Pro Edition EXS users. I would like to see more support for legacy products please.

    i'd like to annotate that the functionality of the performance tool has not changed since the move to the intel platform, what apperently has changed is the editor for EXS and obviously some related interface options.


    the logic 8.01 update - though a little bit hard to find, but available at - fixed most of the issues, at least one can again edit exs instruments without corrupting them (note: legato instruments are nothing else but especially mapped exs instruments). there is nothing from VSL side which can be done currently.


    this and several further issues also on other sampler platforms should let it appear obvious that the move to the Vienna Instruments format and player was an essential step to provide proper support in a current manner without the need to rely on the good will and release of updates by a third party.


    it should not remain unmentioned that integrating the performance tool into EXS by emagic has been an important step for VSL to make true legato available for this sampling platform in a simple, intuitive and performant way. later the 32.000 instruments and the 2 GB memory limits have been addressed and we are looking forward the remaining issues will be too.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cmm said:



  • Here is what I concluded. VSL must be doing this for their own esoteric reasons NOT to "maike more money" Because - this scheme basicly gurantees anyone who doesn't upgrade now will NEVER upgrade. So VSL I guess this is good bye.   I'll look to your competitors from here on out.    

  • I see that there are people here who didn't wait for the middle of July (let alone the October extension), or even for the VSL's management to address the rest of us about the cryptic "our sales department will contact you" concerning a 12 month extension. They probably have their reasons - get to know the technology sooner than later, etc..

    I am sure I am not the only one waiting for a hopeful answer here on this thread by the management. The most decent thing to do in my opinion, would be to honour their word to all customers that purchased the early expensive bulk-product under the advertized promise of perpetual upgrade-plans, and not to sell any more products in that fashion if they do not so wish. There are daily responses by the management on this forum to single potential-maybe customers. There are quite a few patrons (more than once) here still waiting. It cannot be anything other than continuing deliberation on VSL's part. That is the only reasonable explanation.



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    @Errikos said:

    I am sure I am not the only one waiting for a hopeful answer here on this thread by the management. The most decent thing to do in my opinion, would be to honour their word to all customers that purchased the early expensive bulk-product under the advertized promise of perpetual upgrade-plans, and not to sell any more products in that fashion if they do not so wish. There are daily responses by the management on this forum to single potential-maybe customers. There are quite a few patrons (more than once) here still waiting. It cannot be anything other than continuing deliberation on VSL's part. That is the only reasonable explanation.





    I fear that you are wrong in your assessment of the situation. I re-read Herb's penultimate post where he said, 

    "Dear community I’d like to add some final words....."

    I think that's what he meant - final words - i.e. End of!... Apart of course from his actual final post where he said that Sales would contact Fred Story. I'm not sure where that ended, but Fred hasn't posted since and I can't find a link to contact him privately to determine whether he was contacted, and/or whether he got any kind of satisfactory result.

    I suppose it goes to show that no matter how loud people shout, how indignant they are, or how justified they believe their case to be, as many here do, or did, if you're in charge, you can just sit it out and it will blow over.

    Quite sad really. [:'(]



  • Yes, well it is that last cryptic post of Herb's about the sales department contacting Fred Story that is of great interest... And I would like to know the end of Fred Story's story, for some reason the menu which pops up for most people here when one presses 'contact' on their post doesn't seem to work for Fred Story's account. Fred, if you're reading this, and if you would care to, I would ask you to post here or message me privately concerning the outcome of your dealings with VSL in this respect.

    Be that as it may John, I personally haven't "shouted" or become abusive, but I did feel indignant, and most people can either accept their fate in this case, walk away, or bring a class action suit as Matt Gates hinted as a possibility. Personally, I believe I have been very reasonable when for the last few posts I have been requesting clarity on what is happening:

    As far as I know, Herb has moved the deadline to October 15 provided we get in touch with our sales representatives by the middle of July (that doesn't make me particularly happy, still it is better than July - maybe they figured out they were giving more people chance to upgrade by extending, and they thought whoever doesn't by then, in their books, never will).

    These would indeed be final words at least from VSL, had Herb not hinted that it may be a possibility to have a 12 month extension when answering Fred Story. All 'honour' having already gone to hell, having taken almost all trust with it in the process, at least that kind of extension would redeem VSL in one great respect; that this is not all about a sales gimmick.

    Herb, I don't understand this silence..  Would you clarify this for us? Is it too convoluted to have your sales department contact all Pro Edition customers in the way you suggested Fred Story would be contacted? Would you extend the deadline to next year?



  • I received the offer to extend the upgrade by three months.
    Unfortunately I can't justify the $5K+ by october. Allowing a year would be the right thing to do imho and its worth at least my $5k to the VSL bank account to do so. Herb - just as a practical matter you may want to consider the lifetime cost of losing customers such as myself.
    By eliminating my upgrade path you run the real risk of eliminating me as a customer and with past being prologue I am worth at least $6000 to you over the next couple years. I can't jump and upgrade in six months but can and would in a year and it seems that there are more than a few of us in that same boat.
    10 guys equals $60K. Seems worth keeping the upgrade path going for another year.
    Not to mention the simple good will you would garner.

  • Like Ed,

    I have been offered a 3 month extension to make the upgrades. It's not a lot of time and I still feel like this move is alienating me as a long-time VSL customer. I will probably upgrade a handful  of my collections to VI while this offer is on (ie before July), but i really don't need the full set at the moment (at least not until I can buy another MacPro as a dedicated slave which may be more than a year away). I think their products are great and VE3 is amazing (especially if it learns to keep instruments in memory when switching projects), but I feel much less inclined to buy more of their products as a result of this decision. I also feel the responses and justifications given by Herb and the team haven't been up to their usual high standards of customer care, which is a little disappointing. 



  • Happy Birthday Dr. Schweitzer!

  • Sorry guys. Between working on a scoring deadline and meeting with architects, bankers, etc. on our studio's upcoming move, I've been out of pocket for a bit. I've updated my profile to include my email address, so feel free to email privately if you'd like. Fred Story