Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Newbie questions

    I discovered VSL late last night and haven't slept much as a result. [:)] Amazing, amazing sound.

    I'm planning on purchasing the Special Edition to cover the basics to score my short and feature length movies and see where I go from there. My question is, what do I need to make full use of the library?

    I currently own Audition 1.5 and Reason 3.0 for any of the music I need. Can I get away with using Audition or will I really need to get Nuendo or Cubase? They're both expensive, so unless Audition is an absolutely terrible option, I'd rather stick with it until I can afford shelling out for Nuendo. Anything else I should consider purchasing along with the Special Edition?

    EDIT: Oh and I'm running on Vista x64 



  • Using Vienna with audition would be like buying a ferrari and driving it with wal mart tires... Doesnt make much sense. You need to have a solid program to use Vienna to its full potential. Things like volume automation, mixing, reverbs eqs etc. Your getting yourself into something thick here. Its not just a plug in and play virtual orchestra... Its like a plug in and play then change volumes and expressions and cross fading then add reverb and then eq and then mix into a a great sounding orchestra.

    If your just playing around audition may be fine, but like i said, you could drive a ferrari with wal mart brand no name tires, but wouldnt you want to use it with the stuff its made for and use it to its full potential?

    Also, nothing personal against walmart!


  • Bob,

    Thanks for the reply! I was afraid Audition wouldn't cut it... oh well...

    So now the question is, what software should I invest in to compliment Vienna? I read other threads where Nuendo or its younger sibling Cubase were suggested, but I'm also seeing a forum on here that is dedicated to Gigastudio. Any suggestions?

    Thanks again


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    @tinycomet said:

    So now the question is, what software should I invest in to compliment Vienna? I read other threads where Nuendo or its younger sibling Cubase were suggested, but I'm also seeing a forum on here that is dedicated to Gigastudio. Any suggestions?

    Thanks again



    Hi Raji

    I can't say this or that is the best host program - that's as clear as daylight.

    But most of the VSL - users are working with Logic, Cubase, (Nuendo), Sonar, Ableton...

    As mentioned above: Important is that the program offers a good fast audio engine

    and a mixer which allows you to insert several effects - either those of the host or

    external effects (reverbs compressors limiters etc.). If you buy a program such

    as Cubase, Logic or so you will be in the right position.


    The first VSL-Libraries where prepaired to use them with a sample player such as Halion, Kontakt...

    In connection with this the Gigastudio was an optimal possibility too.

    But the VSL-Libraries come with their own player today: The Vianna Instrument (VI).

    You will get it with each Library. It is a Sample Player (VSTi) which is able to play the VSL-Library

    format. And for that you need a host program (Logic,...) which should be able to handle such an Instrument

    in a flexible way...   

    Still one thing...

    Warning! The VSL Libraries are addictive!!!

    - (more) countless and sleepless nights will follow

    - You will lose your money for Computers, RAM, Harddisks, Libraries

    - You could lose your wife, your friends,...

    ...But the feeling with VSL is similar to all other super drugs: Heaven on Earth   

    All the best  

    Beat Kaufmann


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Thanks guys, you've been very helpful so far, I very much appreciate it. [:)]

    I went to a local music shop today as a starting point for researching new gear (monitors, questions about software, etc) and the salesman suggested coupling VSL (I'm planning on getting VI SE) with Pro Tools LE which would be bundled with MBox 2. So I came home and researched some more and came across this thread:

    Is it true that SE won't work with Pro Tools LE?... [:S] That seems like a strange exception...

    I was initially looking for a new sound card so I could reduce the latency when the sales guy suggested MBox as an alternative since it has zero latency. And since I'd get Pro Tools along with the MBox, I figured I'd have a complete setup that way...

    Any ideas? 

  • we need to seperate several things .... the computer, the applications, the library ...


    ProTools can be run on Mac and PC - we actually have PT LE with an Mbox running on both platforms for testing.


    to run any (current) VSL library you need eitehr the Vienna Instruments (VI) or Vienna Ensemble (VE) software (coming along with your collection and available for download for every user having registered a collection)


    VI and VE can be run as stand-alone, VST, AU (both platforms, Mac and PC) and RTAS (Mac only currently)


    so using PT LE on a mac works fine with any VSL library (including the Special Edition)


    using PT LE on a PC currently needs a workaround (running VI/VE as stand-alone and re-routing audio to PT)


    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian,

    Thank you very much for clarifying all this.

    Since it looks like the Special Edition will work fine with ProTools LE on my PC, I think I've found my setup! [:D] Now I'm just gonna have to brace myself and plonk down the cash (I always hesitate forever before I buy [:)])

  • First off all....

    You´re terribly right... The VSL Libraries ARE addictive !!

    Got the Special Edition and it is some sort of sound-experience i never felt.

    So now.... i have to concede that i use it with fruity loops.... ups...ehhhr... but i see it as an example that you can use it ( the special edition to say ) with even a host that is maybe not designed for the VI but is capable to work with it.....

  • I didn't even know Fruity Loops supported VST!

    Now I can't wait to get my copy of VI SE. Just placed my order for it and some other gear today [:D]

  • I just ordered both the Standard and Extended Special Edition Vienna Instruments... and I got this e-mail from a B&H sales rep:

    Hi Raji,
    Regarding B&H Order # [...] for the Special Edition Extended Library, You only get a serial number for the Extended Library, in the attached pdf there is your serial number created for you by Ilio, you'll also find information where to download it,
    The rest of your order including the Special Edition Standard Library is shipping today,

    Sam Werzberger

    Is this correct?? How am I supposed to download gigabytes upon gigabytes of samples? [:s] Or does the serial number just unlock more of the DVDs contained in the Standad Library? I'm confused...

  • i'm also a newbie (i plan to buy the Vienna Special Edition now) but here's the thing: Please note: Even if you licensed the Standard Library only, the Full Library of your Collection gets installed on your hard drive since Standard and Extended Library can’t be separated due to structural database requirements. That means that when you intall your Standard Special Edition library, the extended version also gets intalled, you can use it for 30 days as a DEMO, then you need to have a licence (like the one you have) to use it.

  • ohhhhhh yeah!! Sorry I think I panicked when I saw that from B&H, which is a great vendor. I've bought from these guys many times before but this was the most unique purchasing experience with them so far. I do vaguely remember reading that on here a while back, thanks for clearing it up.

  • I'm glad that i could help you!..i just ordered the VIENNA SPECIAL EDITION (Standard Library) a few minutes ago from Musicians Friend.. it will arrive to Chile on May 7th (my brother is bringing it, he's now in New York)...

  • Just a little clarification. You get all the samples installed, but I think you get a number of loads before they stop working, instead of thirty days. This is all part of the VSL plan for world domination. This way you cannot help but become hooked on using the extended content, and then they cruelly take it away. I wasn't even going to use the extended content for the thirty days, because I didn't want to get used to something I couldn't keep. But, 1 year later, I still have all of the extended content. I guess I haven't loaded it enough for my trial period to be up.

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    basically there are 2 types of demo licenses:

    demo mode #1 comes with every ViennaKey and allows 180 starts - this is primary intended to get users up and running in case they don't have an internet connection available (install library, ect)

    demo mode #2 is available on request from for the extended library of a specific collection (which must be registered) and is a date-license limited to 30 days after initialization.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian,

    You mentioned a workaround for PT LE on a PC. Can you point me to any instructions on how to do that? Also, I was sure I read somewhere that VI Ensemble 64b worked with PT LE Vista. Vienna sounds great stand alone, but as a plug in, it has a lot of static - like someone turned the volume up really loud. Any ideas?



  • Hello Steve,

    I may jump in here - PT on PC is not supported with the Vienna Instruments, sorry to say. One workaround would be to use the Vienna Instruments as a standalone instrument and then route the audio back to PT.

    It will definitely help to know a little more about your setup, your plans and your expectations!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Another User said:

    Using Vienna with audition would be like buying a ferrari and driving it with wal mart tires... Doesnt make much sense

    Bob, Audition IS a solid program.

    I alse have Logic pro 8 and sonar 7 but often I find Audition more essential and useful.

    If you play yourself the parts with Vienna Ensemble, you can record them with Audition Multitrack and get good results as well as using Logic, Sonar etc.

     And the Standard Edition is not the Ferrari of the Vienna libraries, maybe just a Lancia Thema Ferrari or a Fiat Dino Coupè...

