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  • How to access Logic 8 effects plugins in Vienna Ensemble interface

    Does anyone know how to make Logic's plugins available to Vienna Ensemble? I have opened up an instance of Vienna Ensemble within Logic 8 but the none of logics effects are available within the VE interface. I'd like to utilise the power panning of VE with Logic effects such as Space Designer. Is this possible? Thanks in advance

  • Hello 

    Only AU plug ins are available in VE. So any plugin you see in logic with AU in front should appear in VE. But non of Logics specific effects like Space designer and pitch correction etc etc will be available.

  • That makes VE pretty restrictive for use within Logic. You're pretty much stuck with the very basic AU plugins or must purchase something like Altiverb.

  • @VSL : are there plans for leopard/tiger to release a 64 bit version of Vienna Instruments to work with logic ? Or is it impossible ?

  • Hi Kurt,

    nothing is impossible [:)]

    And yes, there will be a 64 bit version, we are working on it. As there are some technical hurdles to be taken, there is no release date scheduled yet. Our newsletter will keep you up to date!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul, that's great news.

  • Yes. Great news. Hopefully improved integration with Logic.

  •  Of course there no reason why you can't just send all the outputs back in to logic individually via the Aux's (select VE as a Multi output plug in) and use logics effects that why......think thats what most do to make full use of logics own effects.

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    @morphlite said:

     Of course there no reason why you can't just send all the outputs back in to logic individually via the Aux's (select VE as a Multi output plug in) and use logics effects that why......think thats what most do to make full use of logics own effects.

    Yeah, that's what I was going to suggest as well. 

  • This probably sounds like a dumb question, but how I send the outputs back into Logic via Aux's? I can't get it working.

  • think of VE as an exs multi-sampler or ultra can assign the individual outputs to Aux in logic manual how to do this...Hope this is of help to you... cheers ian