Good evening everybody and happy easter.[G]
I just noticed, that the Solo Strings sustain patches in VSL SE Std. have Alternations. While that's a nice thing, I wonder a little bit about its behaviour. Instead of just toggling between the two differing samples like for example staccato and detache patches do, the second sample only triggers, if it's played directly after the same note.
So for example I load the "03S VI sustain" patch. Then I play C6 and if I hit C6 again directly after the previous note ends, it triggers the alternation sample (I call it "Sample B" now). By doing that a few times in a row I always only get the B Sample, instead of A/B/A/B/A/B...
And if I have a longer gap between two notes I always get "Sample A". Other notes have no influence on that.
I know, a sustain patch is not exactly for repetative phrases, but sometimes it can be used for such stuff anyway. And with alternating samples it only gets better ...
So, is this a bug in those patches, or is there actually a sense to use this kind of behaviour ?