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  • SE: legator string (orchestral) disappeared

    Dear VSL users,

    I have SE Standard (DVD) and Standard Plus (download). Suddenly the legato programs seem to have disappeared. Trying to load VI-14/Legato or any other legato patch results in the infamous "Cannot find /100 Special Edition strings wavs(13 Orchestral strings..." message.

    (VI crashed afterwards, VI continues to run) The legato patches for VA-10, VC-8 and KB-6 are missing too!

    Everything else seems to work, e.g. the portamento patches seem to work, legato patches of the solo strings as well. I am running this on Vista 64 with 8GB of RAM. It is the same behaviour with VI and VE. Updated the directory manager for both and rebooted several times. Also tried to update to the latest software and applied the library update. I used to have this splitup to three different drives. Copying back to a single drive didn't make any difference. I am running out of ideas.

    Anyone else with the same problem - or even a solution? 


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    Hi Peter.

    @pjak said:

    "Cannot find /100 Special Edition strings wavs(13 Orchestral strings..."
    Sounds as though the samples for that patch are missing, have become corrupted or have been accidentally moved to another folder or drive. Take a look at the DAT files in your Special Edition folder and see if any of them are missing (they're numbered 001, 002 etc. I don't know how many you should have in total because I don't have the Standard + Standard Plus combination.) Also you could do a search for DAT files of a similar name to see whether any are in the wrong location. Worst case is you'll have to reinstall all the samples.

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    @pjak said:

    "Cannot find /100 Special Edition strings wavs(13 Orchestral strings..."
    Sounds as though the samples for that patch are missing, have become corrupted or have been accidentally moved to another folder or drive. Take a look at the DAT files in your Special Edition folder and see if any of them are missing (they're numbered 001, 002 etc. I don't know how many you should have in total because I don't have the Standard + Standard Plus combination.) Also you could do a search for DAT files of a similar name to see whether any are in the wrong location. Worst case is you'll have to reinstall all the samples.

    Hello Conquer,

    I have all DAT files from SpecialEdition001.dat to SpecialEdition113.dat, none seems to be missing. I even compared the files to a copy on another drive, all seem to match. very strange...


  • remove everything from the list in the directory manager and add the locations again ... it seems some links have been lost during splitting/reuniting the files (a reboot before wouldn't do any harm - or at least make sure no host is open and no vsldaemon is running)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    remove everything from the list in the directory manager and add the locations again ... it seems some links have been lost during splitting/reuniting the files (a reboot before wouldn't do any harm - or at least make sure no host is open and no vsldaemon is running)


    Hello cm,

    I did that (several times) with rebooting and everything - did not help.

  • then i would assume some files got corrupted during copying/moving them ... you have heard about the VISTA explorer bug? SP1 fixed it ... i would recommend a re-install of sample data ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Just reinstalled - took a while. Only one file was different: SpecialEdition112.dat. Copying the DVD version of this file solved the problem. This is exactly the file that is modified by "Lib-Update_90_Special-Edition_080131.exe". (Though the update claims 4 files have been updated only 112 is actually changed). If I try to apply the update again legato disappears. For some reason the update messes my system.

    The odd thing though is that when I applied the library update some weeks ago everything worked. Since then I didn't move or modify the files at all. (I had them split up to 3 drives in the past). So actually nothing should have changed. I did not use VE for a while so I can't tell when it actually failed.

    However, I updated VE to the latest version and applied SP1 (Vista) recently. These are the two suspects in my opinion.
