I use Vienna Ensemble in standalone mode (Windows XP SP2, latest VE update) and have a custom template for Woodwind. I normally drive it from Sibelius and use velocity cross-fade driven by expression/controller 11 but the following occurs even when just starting up Ensemble and using the mouse to 'play' notes via the Ensemble 'keyboard'.
As an example of my problem, one slot is set to French Oboe with the default VSL Special Edition patches. The staccato patch volume seems very low now but wasn't historically, almost as though a setting's been reduced and not reset. If I add a new instrument slot and make this also the same matrix/patch and select exactly the same I/O output with exactly the same volume set on the patch page (I haven't changed any of the default volume fader settings on the master bus screen) the new oboe volume is fine. Both the original / old have identical settings as far as I can see and neither use any extras e.g. VST effects - including starting velocity cross-fade / expression levels on the VE 'perform' page
I assume I'm forgetting something pretty obvious here but can't see what! Any pointers?