@PolarBear said:
If you actually really consider this idea I'd make my userbase a lot if not indefinitely larger by providing SSD benefits for all possible applications - you'd need to buffer/copy the first portion of every file to SSD to overcome HDD seektime and have a little RAID-like controller manage your files and managing read and write operations, e.g. in an encapsulated external bay.Actually the drawback here is, that it wouldn't really work with monolithic files 😉
This is a nice idea, but hard to implement on device level. Normally the device doesn't know anything about files, it only knows about sectors. Of course you can teach your device how FAT32, NTFS, UFS, ZFS, but you can imagine how error prone that is. Also, if the user builds a RAID with these device, each device only sees partial filesystems.
A different approach would be to add a 'learn' button. As long as this button is held down, every read access is mirrored to flash. Otherwise the content is untouched.
This would lead to the following usage szenario: the user installs his libs to our drive. Then he starts his VST host and loads one instrument after the other, always pressing the button while the application reads the sample headers. This will give the drive exactly the information it needs, regardless if the data is organized in single or monolithic files.