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  • Soundsets for Sibelius 5?

    dear colleagues -

    I have recently gotten excited about using Sibelius soundsets to map all of the articulations in VI so that one could, at least as a first pass, write in the score without even thinking about the technical aspects of selecting articulations, etc.

    The trouble is, there is only a soundset for Vienna Instruments Special Edition.  I have most of the VI library and would like to be able to use it with Sibelius.  Does anyone have a soundset out there that has switches for the whole Vienna Instruments library? 

    your suggestions are appreciated!



  •  Hi Eric,

    I do have a copy of a soundset that was given to me from a member of the Sibelius team, I am sure I can find the original email with the files on it. You will need to contact me through my email and I can send the files onto you.



  • THanks, Steve - I've sent you a direct email!  Looking forward to the soundset files. 

    Best regards,


  •  Hi Eric,

    I have sent them on to you now.

    I am sure you will enjoy using them.

    best regards,


    ps. I have done a sibelius score demo page showing where all of the SE instruments that are in the Percussion, Drums, and Cymbals and Gong patches are, when they sit in their positions on a stave in Sibelius, and it also shows you how to create a timpani staff and set it up into two staves and not one, but a full size treble staff so you have two staffs to notate all of the different instruments in each patch on, instead of having to use only one staff. I can also send that off to you if you like also.

  • fnagiga,

    This is something I've been interested in as well. Would love to here your efforts when you've gotten them along.


  •  Hi Fnagiga,

    If you have sibelius 5, I can send you the 3 scores as I have now finished them. All you have to do is load them, and load up the vsl matrix for each score and basically hit play. The 3 scores cover the drum, cymbals, and percussion patches. I've just printed them out and have them in a folder for reference so I can look them up and know exactly where to place the note on the staff for whatever sound I want. 

    Just email me and I'll send them on to you.

     What I am thinking I may also do is combine the 3 scores into one, with a section of the score dedicated to each patch. I am also considering making up a kind of template of pre-ready percussion effects with cres build ups, and combinations of them so all you have to do is have one score sitting in the background in sib5, while you are working on another one, and just copy and paste the different combinations, for whatever sound you want from one score into the other, which would save heaps of time.



  • Hi Steve,

    I would be very interested in your percussion stuff for Sibelius.  Would you be willing to send me a copy as well?

    Many thanks in advance!

    ozoufonoun at hotmail dot com

  • Hi Steve,

    The Sibelius soundset for percussion you mentioned, is it a soundset for the VI Percussion library or a/the soundset for the SE percussion? In the past months I've been working on a soundset for the VI Percussion library myself, so I'm very curious.


  • Hi Steve,

    I have the full VI Instruments and am very interested in receiving the Sibelius soundsets and scores as well.  There seems to be something wrong with the VSL website at the moment now so I can't contact you via e-mail.  So here is my e-mail address:

    Thank you very much,

    Gregory D. Moore

  • SAME HERE. Vsl website wont let me click it says "Oops". I'd like any info or files you have on sibelius, you can contact me aptmusic9 [at]

  • Hi Gregory, and aptmusic, I will send them on to you, but in looking at them, I think I can improve them slightly, so I will just need  a little time to add the improvements and I will send them on.



  •  Thank you Steve.  I'm new to both VI and Sibelius 5 so having a template will be extremely helpful to get me up and running.

    Question:  How do you go about selecting alternate articulations or are you just using a few general ones for scoring?
    It seems everyone is using the SE version (which I don't have) with Sibelius, I was concerned about both the loading time and RAM size using the full VI with a large orchestrations....not sure how that will work.  As the SE version is smaller, it really makes more sense to use with Siblelius but alas, poor me, only has the full VI versions.[:$]

  • Hey Steve,

    Would much appreciate those files to:



  • i Synergy,

    It seems to me that you are saying that you have the full VI percussion library and not the SE version? Well, I should explain - the sibelius "score" that I have is based on the Special Edition percussion patches. The only percussion patches I have are from the SE version. I do not have the full vi versions, except for the Orchestral and Appassionata strings.

    What I have done is kind of a "score" for each perussion patch - cymbals and gongs, drums, and percussion, and then what you see on the score is simply a note positioned on the stave as it would be in Sibelius 5, then above the note I have typed in what instrument or playing technique of that instrument the note triggers in the SE patch.

    I hope that explains what the document really is.



  • Steve, that sounds like a good idea.  I don't know how closely the SE and full versions are, I guess I'll find out.

    In either case, seeing what you've done I'm sure will help me to figure out how to integrate VSL with Sibelius.  Although I can really see how in the case of working with Sibelius, the SE version has an advantage over the full version.  I do have Opus which I might be able to use if the full VSL version proves to be too much of a load.

  • Hi everyone,

    I have finally sent the files onto you, with instructions how to load the file into Sibelius 5 etc, and how to create a "Grand Staff", just another name for a treble and bass staff, that will playback all of whatever percussion or drum, or cymbals/gong patch on that staff.

    I did this, as if you have the patch just playing back on a single staff with either a treble or bass clef, it means you will have to use either lots of ledger lines, or keep alternating the treble and bass clefs depending on your need for them. This means you can have lots of things happening from that particular patch, spread over a bass and treble clef - or should I say, two instrument staves in Sibelius 5, but with the playback of one particular patch.

    In thinking about it, you could have two different staves, with either a treble and a bass clef on either staff, and the playback from two instruments in Vienna Ensemble, but the same percussion patch used in both instruments in the Vienna Ensemble instance.

    Well, I just feel more comfortable using one patch for two staves, just like a piano staff, so I have included instructions on how to do that in the email.

    If I have accidentally missed anyone in this thread who wants the files, just email me at and I will send them on to you.



  • Hi Steve,

    Hope not to lang time ago, I just found your message in WEB. I try may best to work with VI and Sibelius since some time, (I have almost all VI Instruments), can you please send me also VI soundset for Siblelius, my e-mail:

    Thank you in advance.


  • Hi Linus,

    I have sent the soundset file off to you, as well as all the percussion related material. I hope it is what you are looking for and that it is helpful.



  • Thanks for the posting on the VSL site regarding Sibelius.  Would you please email to me the sample scores you created showing the placement of the notes for each of the percussion instruments.  I have the Special Edition PLUS.  Many thanks, Michael

  • Hi Michael,

    no problem, just email me at, and I will send them off to your email address will come with your email to me.



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