I am frequently getting:
Syncrosoft License Control - Error
Application 'xxx (Special Edition etc)' has caused the following error:
There is an USB communication problem. Please connect the elicenser to another USB port.
-Click to abort.
This happens 50% of the time when I close a song to go to another one or quit Logic and then go back in. Its driving me crazy because I have to then reboot every time. Basically the Syncrosoft license thing seems to be totally unreliable on my system.
I'm surely not the only one experiencing this?!
My system is: G5 Dual 2ghz 3.5g RAM, Logic Pro 7.2.3
Any help greatly appreciated as this really slows my workflow down (and drives me nuts!).
Syncrosoft License - ERROR!
I saw your reply to my post, replying here to yours... I saw another post here just today about a similar problem, and it was suggested that you try a different USB port. I can't find that post right now, but if perchance your key is connected to a hub, you might try either a different hub, or try plugging it directly into the computer on a free USB port (if you have one). I know this was an issue at one point with my Logic dongle for Logic 7 on my old computer.
Hope you get a solution to your problem. If I got that error on a regular basis I'd be steaming...
I've just upgraded to so I'll see if that helps. I thought I had the latest version, but obviously not. I'll keep an eye on it, as it's done this ever since I had it (with several versions of license control centre). Hopefully the problem will be sorted! Thanks Peter - I've tried moving the dongle already with no luck (I've got no ports left so I'm just swapping things around), and I've never used a hub as I know you're not supposed to with these things. I probably need a PCI USB expansion or something. Thanks guys, Ryan