I'm using the 1st violins chamber section and when I switch articulations from legato to portamento for one note, the portamento sample is really quiet. The volume of the portamento patch itself is fine - it's when the slide sample kicks in. Any thoughts? My string line suddenly drops in volume for the portamento slides!
VIENNA SE Portamento Issues
Yes, I'm using the mod wheel to crossfade between sample layers. I've found a way of getting by with it which is to use the Cell X fade: switching from portamento to legato quickly, while the note is still held. It's not perfect but it's the best workaround I've tried. The only other thing, is to re-program the patches by matching the portamento slide's volume to the legato strings volume but I'm halfway through an arrangement & don't really want to mess with the volume of the legato as it will muck up the whole thing! Thanks anyway...