I agree with Christian: with the perf tool, the clarinet for example is by far the best sampled instrument I've ever played, I took Mozart's clarinet Concerto and played at the same time, then put it off and just followed the score, and I suddenly realized I had spent a couple of hours hypnotized... it sounds a lot like the real thing (nothing is perfect of course)... As for the Brass in their Perf patch, also incredible, though a bit short as well (just as the cellos), I missed the vibrato in the Oboe
As for the strings, they sound very well to me, very clear and sharp, though I am missing some more expressivo patches; from what I am playing or semi-composing they sound more realistic to me in fast paced cues than in melodic ones, but again, this may be solved with midi tweaking ( I'm still missing more vibrato hehe) and I also agree with the "Hollywood" violins, I can't seem to make them sound as I'd love too ( I am not a fully trained composer so that could also be a reason, but I agree with the "buggy noise" being quite weird...) and I still have some problems using the Perf Tool with some instruments.
Overall I am happy with it, after all it's part of the Vienna Library and the quality of it is very good... Let's see if I (we) can make realistic music out of it now...