The thing is though Daryl - hate to admit it but - a lot of people like me just don't have the bandwidth to work these things out and even with kind people like yourself and Nick explaining in writing just ain't enough. Tech-no twits like me need pictures and Janet & John styled dialogue - otherwise I wind up having to get someone in to explain and set it all up (which costs) - which always happens actually.@DG said:
Paul, I don't really see how using a plugin within Logic can be too taxing, but then again I've never tried it. It is all so easy in Cubase and Nuendo, so maybe I've been spoilt by this.
I just don't have the time or patience to understand all this stuff. I like using it all eventually -but can't work it out for myself, or at least can't be bothered if it looks too convoluted in print. A 6 year old child could do it.
But you can never find a 6 year old child when you need one.