Yeah... I have to say, Peter, that I thoroughly disagree with your criticisms of the legato instruments. To me they produce more realism than any other library out there, and by a very long shot. But the reason they produce this is not because they are perfectly smooth, but rather because they aren't perfectly smooth. Really, the "smoothest" transition you could get between two sampled notes would be to simply extend the release time of the first note, and have it bleed over into the next note. That's what a lot of libraries do. But the reason this sounds fake is that there's no transition sound. I mean, I appreciate your training, and all, but what's great about the VSL legato is that it's actually retaining the messiness of a real legato - not because the player isn't playing it properly, but because there are physical imperatives within the instrument itself that make a perfectly smooth transition impossible. Even the transition of a fingered ascending major 2nd on violin produces some noise, because you're instantaneously changing the length of the string - there are artefacts introduced into the sound as a result, and VSL's technique captures these. The same is true for the winds and brass... I'm not trying to discredit your experience, or your ears for that matter, but I just don't hear it the way you do, obviously.
Now, I do think that the legato sampling technique is not ideal for large ensembles, like tutti strings. I think this is probably because, although the real legato transition is still being sampled, the nature of the sampler still requires that the transition be realized as a single event - i.e., the transition from one discrete midi note to another. This, of course, is not the case with a real string section, but it can't really be avoided with a single sampler instrument. And I don't honestly think there's any way around this, except for the layering techniques people have already mentioned... Maybe they could internally duplicate the sound a few times, "humanize" the midi events, then mix them all in the output... dunno... something like that...
Anyway, that really is just my 2 cents. Personally, I find very little fault with the legato instruments.