Dear VSL users,
I am working on a small utility (VstProxy) that would allow to use
32 bit plug-ins from within Vienna Ensemble 64 or other 64 bit hosts.
Theoretically this should allow to use Altiverb and other plug-ins
that are not yet available in a native 64 bit version.
I have tested under Vista 64 only - but I don't see a reason why it
shouldn't work under XP 64 as well.
VstProxy is currently in an experimental stage of development, but I
am running my tests with promising results.
It would be useful to get feedback from other users, because I have a
limited environment for testing.
Also I would be interested in a list of plug-ins that you would like
to use in VE 64, preferably with links to free/Demo versions.
(I am referring to 32 bit plug-ins here)
My test system is a Quad Core PC, 8GB, Vista 64, Cubase SX as a host
and Vienna Ensemble 64 bit and VstProxy.
If you would like to help me and test VstProxy on your equipment:
please contact me by PM.
Include a list of the hardware and software that you would use for
testing. Please be as detailed as possible, here is an example:
Contact: Joe User <>
Hardware: Dual Core, 8GB Ram, Windows Vista Business x64,
Quad Core, 32GB Ram, Windows XP Professional x64
Hosts: Cubase SX (32 Bit)
Sibelius 5 (32 Bit)
Cool 64 Bit Host
VSL: Vienna Ensemble 64 Bit
Plug-ins: Cool Reverb, Best EQ, Super Effect
(32 bit)