Oh I see...
It appears that the STANDARD by itself is around 12 gigs. I found this about by adding the sizes of each downloadable file... but wait...
If I buy the standard one, then I want to get the extended one, how much will the extended one cost?
The full one is like twise the price of the standard.
So it looks like I can buy the standard one, or the full one. Why is extended up there for 500 something dollars? Should I just ignore that then If I have standard, do I pay the other 500 for the extended....
Man, it's like I'll have stuff on my hard drive I can't even use.
So I'm guessing these are dual layer DVDs then.... but even then, it still seems like less than 56 gigs. Dual layer DVDs can only hold up to 9 gigs, and 9 times 4 is 36 so yeah.... SOrry, just curious about how this will work....
Man, maybe I should save up even more and just buy the whole thing, yo?...
So I'm also guessing that the standard edition doesn't come with repitition sounds so it won't have that repetitive effect? I really don't like when sounds do that? Will that be in the standard or full SE or will I have to buy that seperate?
Sorry for all the rambling and thanks for replying.