I was watching the tutorials and all the matricies and stuff are cool. Are those in the speacial edition have those things in it as well? Would I have to set them up myself? It seems kind of confusing.
Hi Dreamcube,
the Special Edition is very easy to overview, as you have a maximum of 8 articulations for each instrument.
Of course there are preconfigured matrices and presets for you, that you can easily customize [:)]
It gets way less confusing once you are sitting right in front of it!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
OH that's cool then brecause I'd like to play with some remade ones before I start trying my own.
Also, if I get extra articulations like in the PLUS package, would matricies come to work with those as well or would I have to make those. I'm ok with making them... but it be a bit easier if there were some preset ones to play with first. I'm not trying to sound lazy or anything, it'd just be a bit easier to use some premade ones first.
Thanks for replying.
That's wonderful then!... sadly I can't buy anything till like the beginning or middle ofMay.
It's good tat they come with tme because I was looking at the vids and it was like, "Let's load this and that and put this there and that over here." and I was just getting confused as to where what stuff goes where, you know?........Plus, I don't think I have a hardware conttrol surface with all those faders so I may be getting a new one with a bit more weight on the keys and some more switches although I can really only get so much as I'm a student... well I'm just rambling now 'cause it's 4 in the morning so yeah. Thans so much for replying guys. You really helped me out. :)