Hi guys,
I am a proud new member of the VSL family and just customized a new Slave-DAW( XP 64-Quad Core- 8G Ram-Standard Cube) and am using FXT to run 4 VEs in my Cubase 4.1 which works great. I am also using 3 Altiverbs for depths which also run on the slave machin with no problems. I am familiar with the great RAM-optimize function in VE but I am still a bit short in RAM for loading the entire Orchestra. With the entire Orchestra I definitely don't mean all samples, because I already made my own Matrixes for each instrument and if I need more articulations, then I load them seperately for each project. Does it make sense so far? If it does, then I would be gratefull for any help to optimize my Ram for loading. Once loaded, is really no problem, thanks to the great RAM-optimize function in VE.
THanks in advance