I want to produce a long melodic line for the oboe with performance legato. However, the VSL oboe seems to be quite "asthmatic" -- after one or two measures, the sound stops well before the MIDI note-off message happens. (To add insult to injury, one can nevertheless hear the release sample after the note-off...) A real oboist (even one who cannot use circular breathing) has actually much more breath than the VSL oboe -- so is there a workaround to make the melodic line longer, without putting some unwanted rests into the melody? I think the problem is related to the fact that I'm using velocity crossfades (with a breath controller); I'd really like like to continue to use it, since I think it's necessary for adding expression to the line.
I've bumped into a similar problem with long notes in the solo strings. If a note is too long to be played with one bow, there are some discreet but audible bow direction changes (which are perfectly fine and realistic), and then the note stops altogether -- silence until the release sample is triggered by the note-off message... Is there a way to control where the bow direction change happens? And is there a way to make this discreet bow direction change happen more than one or two times? Splitting a long MIDI note in two smaller ones yields a hiatus that's much too big.
Thanks a lot for your help!