Hi Sacha
If the same articulations are used in both demos you can't make out a (big) difference I believe - even if the SE samples are used for two half tones.
The really difference you will find in missing sample articulations in the SE-Library.
One of the most important and missing articulation is in the "Dynamic-Section": Diminuendo/Crescendo. The a nice end of a piece, played, with natural diminuendos in every instrument section is a fantastic thing. In SE: Fade out by Track-Automation of your Sequencer or produced by an audio editor.
Another imoprtant articulation of VSL's libraries is the type "détaché/portato long" (~ 0,5s). I believe that SE "only" contains the portato short (~0,3s) samples. You would be in a fix after two bars because of this missing "portato long articulation" in case of pruducing calssical mock-ups. But...
Maybe you are the composer/creator of the music. Show consideration for these missing samples[:)] and no more problem because of missing articulations... [:)]
The SE-Library is fantastic. You get a lot of samples for quite a cheap price and the legato samples are inclusive of this offer.
So if you bought some full libraries - Strings and Woodwinds for example - you can get the whole rest of the symphonic instruments with just this one library. From one day to the next you have a piccolo, drums and other percussions, a harp, brass instruments, a harpsichord, an organ, a vibraphon, a guitar and a lot more instruments... in your orchestra[:)] That's Heaven on Earth my dear!
PS: Sorry, that you didn't get a comparison demo Full <> SE [;)]