I bought Vienna Instruments Orchestral Strings 1 12 months ago and been using on my PC. Ive just bought an iMac but im having problems. ive downloaded the latest Syncrosoft LCC, inserted the dongle into the iMac, downloaded the latest Intel Mac VSL software, but when i insert DVD 1 Library, i double click the library installer, a message pop up reads "drag to destop", so i do that, double click again and it STILL asks for it to be dragged to the desktop. What am I doing wrong? The VSL instrument is there but I can't load up the library. Can anyone help?
(System: iMac Duo 2.8/Leopard/Logic Studio)
Library Installer
welcome orchestrajb,
there should be a note (blue background, white letters) in the sleeves of the DVDs saying: OS X USERS: please don't use the installer on the software CD but the library installer in your application folder which has been installed with the latest VI software ... sorry if the sheet is missing in your package
Applications - Vienna Instruments - Library Installer
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -