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  • Vienna Ensemble Setup with Logic7.2

    Does anyone know how to set up VI within Logic? Might sound such a idiotic question but I have set up Vienna Appassionata strings using Vienna Ensemble so that each instrument is on a different midi channel eg Violin 1 = midi channel 1 and Violin 2 =midi channel 2 etc. Could anyone tell me how to set this up in Logic? I can only get channel 1 (Violin 1) to sound and play back. Sorry for such a crass question! Mike

  • Hi Mike. The most common way to use the VI in Logic would be to use multiple MIDI tracks, each driving its own separate instance of the VI plug-in. So if your score needed 32 independent MIDI tracks, you'd end up with 32 VI instances. I don't know how one would set up the VE in tandem with Logic, but I'm sure someone here will tell you how to do it!

  • use midi ports instead of midi channels - VI operates in omni mode


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  •  Thank you for your replies.

    I'm a bit confused about the difference between midi ports and midi channels. Can you explain further?


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    a MIDI port (physical or virtual) contains 16 channels by definition of the MIDI protocol, think of a port as *the plug* and of the channels beeing ... well, channels transporting independent data over the plug. of course different MIDI ports are also independant, so say 16 ports (16 channels each) gives you 256 channels in 16 *groups*

    here you can find the compendium

    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hello again Mike. Apologies if you already know this: to play the VI within Logic you have to open it as a plug-in on an 'Instrument' track*. (I think this has been renamed 'Software Instrument' in Logic 8.) If you want violins, violas cellos and basses on four MIDI tracks, you'll need four Logic Instrument tracks, each with its own VI. Record the violins part on Instrument track #1, the violas part on Instrument #2, etc. Don't worry about MIDI channels and 'omni mode' - each VI will play only the part on its own track.

    (* Not to be confused with a 'MIDI Instrument' track. How confusing is that . . . ?)

    The VE is a great way of setting up a collection of VI's operating on different MIDI channels, but as I said earlier, I don't know how to set up VE in tandem with Logic's MIDI tracks because I run VE standalone on a PC, driven by Logic running on a Mac. I'm hoping another VSL user will explain this to you (and me)!

  •  Hello again and thank you for all your replies. I do appreciate it!

    I have noticed that when I come to load up an instance of Vienna Instruments within Logic, I have only the option of loading up Vienna Ensemble? Is that how it should be or should there be an option of just 1 Vienna Instrument? ( so I can load up multiple single instances)

    Also a question specifically for Christian...

    As I can only load up an instance of VE how would I find and set up the midi ports?

    Many thanks once again.

  • Assuming you installed the Vienna Instrument player software correctly on your Mac, you should be able to load single or multiple instances of VI within Logic. If the Logic Instrument track can't "see" the VI in the list of plug-ins (which should include Logic's EXS24 sampler - if it can't see that you're looking in the wrong place!), you may have to run some kind of AU 'find plug-in' routine. I believe there are some older posts here which explain how to do this.

  • Conquer Thanks for all your help today. I've just done an AU Manager validation. It was showing that the AU validation passing for the Vienna Ensemble but 'crashed' for Vienna Instruments. Having rescanned the Vienna Instruments it has now passed. However, upon loading a software instrument within my list of plug-ins I still only have the option of loading an instance of Vienna Ensemble. At the moment I don't have an option to load a single instance of a Vienna Instrument. Am I assuming correctly i should have that option? Thanks Mike

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    @MikeTwisse said:

    Am I assuming correctly i should have that option?
    Yes, try quitting Logic then re-open and see if it's there. If you've already run VE standalone on your Mac and it can see the VI (as your first post seems to suggest), then the VI is probably correctly installed and there's some minor conflict (or lack of recognition) going on between VI and Logic. Good luck!

  •  I found this thread when trying to sort out a score display problem in Logic with Vienna Ensemble. The problem being that say you have a full string section (Violins 1, 2 Violas, Cellos, Bass) and you want to create a score Logic will not name the tracks correctly as it thinks it is all the same instrument.

    I found a simple way round this - in the environment window add new instrument as many times as you want score lines (parts) in Vienna Ensemble (max 16). Call these instruments - in my example Violins 1, Violins 2, Violas, Cellos, Bass - select midi port off but allocate a midi channel (from 1-5 for mine example). Add a channel splitter object in the environment and cable all the new instrument outputs to the channel splitter. Then cable from the "sum" output of the channel splitter to the audio instrument channel where you have inserted Vienna Ensemble.

    Now add the new midi instrument objects into the arrange page. Selecting each one in turn will now play the corresponding midi channel in Vienna Ensemble without any further switching. Now a score can be set up using these midi instruments and even better keyswitch notes can be set to a different midi channel in the event list so they don't appear in the score (you need to choose a score style and apply a midi channel to it rather than omni).

    I found this to work really well for scoring and being able to select the different sounds to play in Vienna Ensemble without constantly altering the midi transmit channel of my keyboard.
