actually, this has been buggin me for a while, so i wanted to throw my suggestion into the ring for hopeful articulations in the future.
i would love to see a greater number of gradations in the Dynamic patches... crescendoes and diminuendoes... I often find myself stuck in a tempo that makes a 3 second cres too short, but a 6 second one too long... It seems the lengths they chose to include on some instruments were chosen rather randomly (keep in mind i only have the Orch Strings 1 & 2 to refer to). But, for example, in the Violas, you have a 1.5 sec and 3 sec with medium dynamic; a 3 sec and 6 sec with strong dynamics; and then 2 sec and 4 sec dynamics, but with no vib.... so what if i wanted a 4 second medium dynamic crescendo WITH vibrato? im outta luck.
I know, i know.. there are plenty of ways to "work around" such an issue. But one of the main selling points of all VSL is its pristine realism, and having to set up a second instrument for ONE note which i then have to trigger early and then volume-fade in... well, it would just be nice to have a broader amount of dynamic times available.
So my wish-list would include 1 to 6 second dynamic patches, at 1/2 second intervals (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, etc.) for both medium AND strong dynamics.. as well as the same setup for no_Vibs, con sordinos, etc.... i guess im asking for a lot there... hehe. oh well, just wanted to give my 2.5 cents' worth...
> michael