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  • "Special Edition" & "Special Edition PLUS" download libraries available...

    I'm happy to announce our new Special Edition download libraries.

    We do have some logistic problems with the Subscription products, so these are still delayed,

    but in the meantime we have finished the Special Edition download groups.

    Groups means, that you can select individually woodwinds, brass, strings or percussion

    and for strings, woodwinds and brass also the PLUS extensions.

    All in all there are 7 dedictaed Special Edition products now available.



  •  Hi, Glad to see that the new SE plus libraries are available.

    So far, after trying two different valid credit cards, payment has not gone through successfully.

    Please advise, thanks,


  • Waited 30 minutes, tried again and it worked. Now for hours of downloads....

  • FYI I was successful (buying strings plus) first time and am currently downloading (it's going to be a long night!) so it can be done - good luck!

    Herb and VSL - this is great! I didn't know SE+ was going to be available as separate 'packages' - Thanks for this!

    BTW a small point - on the payment form it says 'valid ___ year ___' .... this of course means the expiry date of your credit card (month/year) but it may confuse some people into thinking it means the valid from date .... although you can't choose a year earlier than 2008 so it is kind of obvious!

    Anyway thanks again and please switch on the afterburners on your servers ! [:)]

    EDIT >>> Stu I see you are OK now - the download race is on!  [:)]

  • Just to make some things clear:

    The download-edition costs: 460,- Euro (the standard-lib, all 4 packs)

    The dvd-version: 345,- Euro

    So we pay 115,- Euro MORE for NOT having a nice dust-catching-Package and for using separate sections on separate slaves??? 

    EDIT:Hoped, the price difference was for the subscription-Pack only


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    @herb said:

    I'm happy to announce our new Special Edition download libraries.

    Great news - currently downloading. (it's gonna take a while, would still prefer a DVD)

    Now, please add same thing for Extended including Plus upgrades! [:)]

    BTW, interesting coincidence: just installed my memory upgrade to 8GB minutes before this

    got it. If I just could find a way to run load any plug-in from within the 64 bit version of VE on

    Vista 64... In particular a reverb is needed here, does Altiverb work in VE 64?

    Is there any list of plug-ins that actually work in VE 64?

    Or am I just to stupid and 32 Bit plug-ins can be loaded within VE 64? A reverb would be

    needed, does Altiverb have a 64 bit version yet? 

    (Well, this should be a new topic...) 


  • That is great news!

  •  ack. again with the confusion. maybe im just really dim...

    anyhow, okay then , say i want to get the Special Edition Brass  

    SE Brass costs 95 Euros.

    SE PLUS Brass costs 130 Euros.

    If i purchase the SE PLUS Brass, does that have include the standard samples (in the SE Brass) AS WELL AS the SE  PLUS Brass? Or do i have to purchase both in order to get all the articulations?

    In otherwords, will i be spending 130 Euros to get the full SE Brass content, or 225 Euros (130 + 95)

    Thanks in advance

    > michael 

  • you have to purchase both 

  • michael, the sample content of SE standard and SE standard PLUS is listed on the respective product pages


    you cann add the SE Standard PLUS library either to the DVD version of Special Edition Standard or to the download version - for both the PLUS is an extension


    though you can decide to download the PLUS library _only_, you have to consider by yourself if the content is enough and what you want or if you would also need the respective Standard (without PLUS) articulations) - the PLUS libraries do not include the samples from the respective Standard library


    as assumed in another post the same structure would apply to a possible Extended PLUS Library


    SE Standard -> SE Standard PLUS - adds articulations to the SE standard library

    SE Extended -> SE Extended PLUS - adds articulations to the SE extended library


    SE standard -> SE standard PLUS


    SE extended -> SE extended PLUS


    SE full -> SE standard PLUS + SE extended PLUS


    think of it as the two dimensions in a 2 by 2 matrix





    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • hi christian,

    this means that VSL is working on the SE extended plus? Great!

    Best, Rainer

  • did i say that? ... can't remember now ,,, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • ok, I take the ignoring of my question as "YES" :-)

    2nd try, different question.

    If I don't know what to do with my money and decide to buy the SE standard via download packs. How does it work concerning the VIP-price for the extended Version at all (I own Opus1)?


  • Am I on everyone's ignore-list? ;-)

    Come on. I ordered a credit card today JUST to purchase here (ok, and buy iTunes-titles).

    But I am confused.

    1. Should I consider buying the section-packages (for 115Euros more) of SE and DO get my discount to extended version as happy Opus1-owner nonetheless as soon as the extended version is ready for download?

    2. Or should I buy the DVD packages that are much cheaper but with which I am not able to use the SE on multiple computers?

    Any suggestions?

    And now the magic word: Pleeeeease answer :)


  • na dann halt nicht :( 

  • tss, tss, tss, ... es wäre aber schon denkbar, dass wir mit einer antwort in einem öffentlichen forum zu einer frage betreffend preisnachlässe zu einem noch nicht veröffentlichtem produkt ein paar tage brauchen ... überhaupt wenn gerade eine reihe beteiligter vordringlich mit vorbereitungen für die NAMM beschäftigt ist, oder?


    also: es wird zu den teilpaketen der Special Edition Extended Library (_nicht_ auf die PLUS klarerweise!) entsprechende VIP preise geben.

    nein, ich keinne keine preise für mögliche SE extended libraries und nein, auch nicht die höhe eines preisnachlasses für eine registrierte opus 1 library.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Vielen Dank für die Antwort, Christian.

    Mit einem einfachen "dazu können wir noch nichts sagen" wäre ich ja schon bedient gewesen. Das hätte mir nicht das Gefühl gegeben, völlig übergangen zu werden, während andere Threads in aller Ausführlichkeit beantwortet werden :)

    Man möge mir meine Drängelei nachsehen, weil ich es zum Einen kaum mehr aushalte, die Vienna Instruments NICHT unter den Fingern zu haben und zum Zweiten, weil ich am Wochenende Vater geworden bin und sowieso nicht zurechnungsfähig bin :) 

    Gruß, Angel 

  • - dass dir das genügen würde hat nicht so geklungen

    - wir beantworten gerne und das meiste ausführlich ;-)

    - herzlichen glückwunsch


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • - ja, missverstanden werden ist mein größtes Hobby :)

    - das weiß ich :)

    - danke :) 

  • Auch von mir herzlichen Glückwunsch!

    Da Du als frisch gebackener Papi jetzt wohl kaum zu etwas kommen wirst, belastet die Wartezeit Dich vielleicht weniger... *g* [edited by: RLeutert_14950 at 15:36 (GMT 0) on 2008-01-16] EDIT: Sorry, Migot. Congratulation for Angel who became father in these days. My comment: now he surely has no time for many things so that he can stand the time of waiting a lot easier.